Abraham Mateo Vuelve Conmigo english translation

Abraham Mateo Vuelve Conmigo song lyrics
Abraham Mateo Vuelve Conmigo translation
Entraste como un rayo de luz Como un aire encantador
You entered like a ray of light Like a lovely air
Liberaste con tu hechizo a mi recluso corazon
You freed my reclusive heart with your spell
Tu dulsura corrio por mis venas crei en tu intencion
Your drowsiness ran through my veins I believed in your intention
No pense que fuese un engaño ni una mentira tu amor
I did not think it was a cheat or a lie your love
Me dices que te esta llamando
You tell me he's calling you

te vas sin un adios
you leave without a goodbye
Se muy bien que haras en sus brazos
I know very well what you will do in your arms
Dime que hago yo...
Tell me what I do ...

Que hago con mis labios si me ruegan tus besos
What do I do with my lips if your kisses beg me?
Que hago con mis manos cuando suplican tu regreso
What do I do with my hands when they beg for your return
Que hago con mis noches
What do I do with my nights
Que hago con mis dias
What do I do with my days

Que hago con tu ecencia que se aferra a la mia
What do I do with your age that clings to mine?
Qime que hago yooo ohohoh ...
Qime what do yooo ohohoh ...
Hablamos solo cuando puedes te abrazo al esconder
We talk only when you can hug you when hiding
Que no haria para tenerte a mi lado al amanecer...
That I would not do to have you by my side at dawn ...
Mis amigos dicen que te olvide que antes de ti no era igual
My friends say that I forgot that before you it was not the same
Antes de ti mi vida no tenia sentido
Before you my life did not make sense
Antes de ti no sabia amar
Before you I did not know how to love