Aida El Ayoubi Men Zaman english translation

Aida El Ayoubi Men Zaman song lyrics
Aida El Ayoubi Men Zaman translation
من زمان
for a while
و انا عايزه اقولك
I wanted to say
عايزه اقولك يا حبيبى
wanted to say I love u
من زمان
for a while
و انا قلبى رسملك
my heart drawn
شامعه تنورلك يا حبيبى
a chandle to lighten my love
لو نسيونى انت معايه
if they forgot me you are with me
اه فى غيابي ايد شامعايه
in my absence light a chandle
شامعه تحكيلك اصل الروايه
a chandle to tell u the true story
حبيتك من اول نظره
my love for you was from the first sight
و قلبى شاورلك بضحكه
and my heart signled you with a smile
اتمنيت انك تشوفه
I hoped you would see it
على حبك دلتنى لهناك
to your love you directed me
و كتب قلبى انك انت علمتنى الضحكه الحلوه
my heart wrote that you tought him a beautiful smile
علمتنى ان الدنيا
tought me that life
احلى ما فيها نعيش اللحظه
the best thing in it is to live the moment
من زمان
for a while
و انا عايزه اقلك
I wanted to say
عايزه اقلك يا حبيبى
wanted to say I love you
من زمان
for a while
و انا قلبي رسملك شامعه تنورلك يا حبيبى
my heart drawn you a chandle to lighten my love
حبيبى صادق فى الكلمه و كلامه لاعماله صوره
my baby's speaks the truth and his word is a mirror for his work
عمله يشرف جيلنا
his work honors our generation
و طلعتو علينا بشره
and his arrival is a miracle
و حبيبى لانك انت نستنى الجروح و داويتها
and you fixed my problems and made me forget them
شهم و اصيل الكلمه
honoured and honest in his words
دورك فجر و احلى ذكرا
your turn is a sunshine and the best memory
من زمان
for a while
وانا عايزه اقولك
and I wanted to say
عايزه اقولك يا حيبيى
wanted to say that I love you
من زمان و انا قلبى رسملك شامعه تنورلك يا حبيبى
from a long time my heart drawn you a chandle to lighten my love
لو نسيونى انت معايه
if they forgot me you are with me
اه فى غيابى ايد شامعايه
in my absence light a chandle
شامعه تحكيلك اصل الروايه
a chandle to tell u the true story
مخافشى من ظلم الدنيا
i don't fear the dark in life
لو انهد العش فى لحظه
if our shelter fall down
نبنيه تانى اول طوبه
we build it from the beginning brick by brick
طوبه و ورده
brick and a flower
و طوبه و غنوه
and a brick and song
و اطلع الجبل و انادى اعلى صوتى يا حبيبى
climbed the mountain and I called out from the depth of my lungs my love

يرضيك تسمع منى اقل من تسلملى الدعوه
you can't accept from me less than god bless you
...من زمان
for a while
و انا عايزه اقولك
I wanted to say
عايزه اقولك يا حبيبى
wanted to say I love u
من زمان و انا قلبى رسملك
from a long time my heart drawn
شامعه تنورلك يا حبيبى
a chandle to lighten my love
لو نسيونى انت معايه
if they forgot me you are with me
اه فى غيابى ايد شامعايه
in my absence light a chandle
شامعه تحكيلك اصل الروايييىه
a chandle to tell u the true story
من زمان
for a while
و انا عايزه اقولك
I wanted to say
عايزه اقولك يا حبيبيييى
I wanted to say I love you