Aimer カタオモイ english translation

Aimer カタオモイ song lyrics
Aimer カタオモイ translation
例えば 君の 顔に昔より シワが 増えても それでも良いんだ
For example even if your face's wrinkles are getting increased than before,
僕が ギターを 思うように 弾けなくなっても心の歌は君で溢れているよ
Even if I can't play guitar like I want to anymore, the song of my heart are overflowing because of you
高い声も 出せずに 思い通り歌えない
Even I can't produce high vocals and sing like I want to anymore,
But still, would you nod your head, agreeing to sing along with me?
割れんばかりの拍手も 響き渡る歓声もいらない
I don't need a thunderous applause, or resounding cheers
君だけ わかってよ わかってよ
I want nobody but you. Please realize me. Please understand me
darling 夢が叶ったの お似合いの言葉が見つからないよ
Darling, my dream has become true, I can't find the exact words to express my feelings
darling 夢が叶ったの 愛してる
Darling, my dream has become true, "I love you"

たった一度の たった一人の 生まれてきた幸せ味わってるんだよ
Once in a lifetime Just for one personI've tasted the happinessof being born on this world
今日がメインディッシュで 終わりの日には 甘酸っぱいデザートを食べるの
Today is the main dish,and for the end of day we'll eat bittersweet dessert
Mountains, valleys, all of them in full course
気がきくような言葉はいらない 素晴らしい特別もいらない
I don't need some quotes, I don't need something splendid or special
ただずっと ずっとそばに 置いておいてよ
I just want you to stay by my side forever and ever
僕の想いは歳をとると 増えてくばっかだ 好きだよ わかってよ わかってよ
As I age, my feelings will grow stronger. I love you. I know it. I know it.
ねえ darling 夢が叶ったの お似合いの言葉が見つからないよ
Hey darling, my dream has become true, I can't find the exact words to express my feelings
darling 夢が叶ったの 愛が溢れていく
Darling, my dream has become true, "I love you"

君が僕を忘れてしまっても ちょっとつらいけど それでもいいから
Even if you'll forget me, it would hurt a little but it's alright
僕より先に どこか遠くに 旅立つことは絶対 許さないから
If you'll go somewhere far ahead of me, I'll never ever forgive you
生まれ変わったとしても 出会い方が最悪でも また僕は君に恋するんだよ
Even if we're reborn, even If our first meeting is a disaster, I'll fall in love with you again
僕の心は 君にいつも片思い
This heart, my love for you is always unrequited
好きだよ わかってよ わかってよ わかってよ
I love you
darling 夢が叶ったの お似合いの言葉が見つからないよ
Darling, my dream has become true, I can't find the exact words to express my feelings
darling 夢が叶ったの
Darling, my dream has become true
ねえ darling 愛してる
Hey darling, "I love you"