Aisyah Aziz Tanda Tanya english translation

Aisyah Aziz Tanda Tanya song lyrics
Aisyah Aziz Tanda Tanya translation
Saat terindah kita berdua
Our beautiful moments
Hilang begitu saja tanpa kesannya
Gone just like that without a trace
Dinginnya dikau bak antartika
You are so cold like an arctic ocean
Apakah salahnya puas aku meneka
What's wrong ? I guessed it enough
Kau seolah teka-teki tanpa erti
You are like a riddle without meaning
Tunjukkanlah peta hati mu
Show me the map of your heart
Bagai luasnya angkasa
It's like the space is so wide
Penuh misteri tanda tanya
Full of mysteries and questions
Inikah kita, inikah kita
Is this us ? Is this us ?
Sekelip mata berubah
In a blink of an eye, you have changed
Langsung tak pernah tegur sapa
You didn't want to meet me at all
Inikah kita, hanya tanda tanya
Is this us ? Only a question
Hanya tanda tanya
Only a question
Pelbagai bunga tanpa sebabnya
A variety of flowers without reasons
Selalu menghiasi ruang di meja
Always decorates the space on the table
Ke mana pergi jejaka ini
Where have this guy gone to ?
Yang bertukar angin dari panas ke dingin
Who changes mood from hot to cold
Kau berdiam bila ku tanya kenapa
You were in silence when I asked you why
Mudahnya kau tak lagi cinta
It's easy for you not to love again
Bagai luasnya angkasa
It's like the space is so wide
Penuh misteri tanda tanya
Full of mysteries and questions
Inikah kita, inikah kita
Is this us ? Is this us ?
Sekelip mata berubah
In a blink of an eye, you have changed
Langsung tak pernah tegur sapa
You didn't want to meet me at all
Inikah kita, hanya tanda tanya
Is this us ? Only a question
Hanya tanda tanya
Only a question
Ku tahu ku perlu
I knew that I have to
Bernafas udara yang baru tanpa mu
breathe new air without you
Ku tahu ku perlu
I knew that I have to
Lupakan segala yang terapung dan tak tentu
Forget about everything that hesitates

Hanya tanda tanya
Only a question
Bagai luasnya angkasa
It's like the space is so wide
Sekelip mata berubah
In a blink of an eye, you have changed
Bagai luasnya angkasa
It's like the space is so wide
Penuh misteri tanda tanya
Full of mysteries and questions
Inikah kita, inikah kita
Is this us ? Is this us ?
Sekelip mata berubah
In a blink of an eye, you have changed
Langsung tak pernah tegur sapa
You didn't want to meet me at all
Inikah kita, hanya tanda tanya
Is this us ? Only a question
Hanya tanda tanya
Only a question
Hanya tanda tanya
Only a question
Hanya tanda tanya
Only a question