Aizat Pergi english translation

Aizat Pergi song lyrics
Aizat Pergi translation
Sayu (kerana) terpisah
Misery, breaking up
Hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
The beautiful tale is now a history
Berhembus angin rindu
Exhaling the wind of longing
Begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasih mu
So calming, smelling the scent of your warmth

Hujan lebat mencurah kini
Downpour is now gushing out
Bagaikan tiada henti
Like there is no stopping
Kaulah lagu ku, kau irama terindah
You are my song, you are the sweetiest melody
(Yang) tak lagi ku dengari
Which is no longer I've heard of

Kau pergi...
You left...

Sepi tanpa kata
Silence without words
Terdiam dan kaku
Speechless and stunned
(Kau) tak daya ku lupa
(You) I'm not capable of forgetting
Apapun kata mereka
Regardless of what they said
Biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia
Let the memories bloom in the branch of life

Hujan lebat mencurah kini
Downpour is now gushing out
Bagaikan tiada henti
Like there is no stopping
Kaulah lagu ku, kau irama terindah
You are my song, you are the sweetiest melody
(Yang) tak lagi ku dengari
Which is no longer I've heard of

Kau pergi...
You left...

Hujan lebat mencurah kini
Downpour is now gushing out
Bagaikan tiada henti
Like there is no stopping
Kaulah lagu ku, kau irama terindah
You are my song, you are the sweetiest melody
(Yang) tak lagi ku dengari
Which is no longer I've heard of
Kau pergi...
You left...
Kau pergi...
You left...