Aliff Aziz Dan Lagi Cinta english translation

Feat Emma Suhaimi
Aliff Aziz Dan Lagi Cinta song lyrics
Aliff Aziz Dan Lagi Cinta translation
Tak pernah terlintas di hati ini
It never crossed my heart
Menyakiti hati mu walau mungkin ia terjadi
Hurt you even though he may occur
Walau mungkin jua sukar untuk ku memahami
While it might nevertheless difficult for me to understand
Semua yang kau pendam tersembunyi
All that you buried hidden

Selagi cinta ku masih mengalir
While my love is still flowing
Selagi masih bernyawa di dalam sanubari
While they animate within each
Kau kan selalu ada hadir di setiap mimpi ku
You were always there is present in each of my dreams
Kau kan selalu ada bersama ku
You were always there with me

Cinta takkan pernah pudar dengan masa
Love will never fade with time
Setiap hari yang berlalu semakin ku rindu pada mu
Every day that passes the more I miss you
Dan lagi cinta takkan hilang begitu saja
And the more love will not disappear
Meski mungki kita berbeda disatukan dengan cinta
Although possibly, we differ united by love

Engkaulah cinta takkan pernah pudar dengan masa
You are the love will never fade with time
Setiap hari yang berlalu semakin ku rindu pada mu
Every day that passes the more I miss you
Dan lagi cinta takkan hilang begitu saja
And the more love will not disappear
Meski mungki kita berbeda disatukan dengan cinta
Although possibly, we differ united by love