Alina Tu Esti Vara Mea english translation

Alina Tu Esti Vara Mea song lyrics
Alina Tu Esti Vara Mea translation
Vara asta vreau sa dau foc la toate
In this summer I want to burn all
Vreau pacate, libertate
I want,freedom
Cu tine as fugi
With you I'd run
Fiindca restul sincer ma streseaza, nu conteaza
'Cuz all is stressing me,doesn't metter
Lasa totul inapoi sa fugim in mare goi
Let all back to run in the sea nudes
Hai acum ca ne-am gasit s-alergam spre rasarit
Let's go now 'cuz I find you
Orice-ar spune vocea ta, stii raspunsul, vei uita
Whatever your voice would say, you know the answer you'll forget
Un trecut de iarna grea, acum tu esti vara mea
A hard winter past, now you are my summer
Marea e a mea si nu mai vreau nimic
The beach is mine and i dont want anything else
Doar o secunda sa m-ascunda
Just a second to hide me
De toate as fugi
I'd run away from everything
Sa ma tii in valuri pana seara
To keep me in waves till midnight
Tu esti vara
You are the summer
Lasa totul inapoi sa fugim in mare goi
Let all back to run in the sea nudes
Hai acum ca ne-am gasit s-alergam spre rasarit
Let's go now 'cuz I find you
Orice-ar spune vocea ta, stii raspunsul, vei uita
Whatever your voice would say, you know the answer you'll forget
Un trecut de iarna grea, acum tu esti vara mea
A hard winter past, now you are my summer
Lasa totul inapoi sa fugim in mare goi
Let all back to run in the sea nudes
Hai acum ca ne-am gasit s-alergam spre rasarit
Let's go now 'cuz I find you
Orice-ar spune vocea ta, stii raspunsul, vei uita
Whatever your voice would say, you know the answer you'll forget
Un trecut de iarna grea, acum tu esti vara mea
A hard winter past, now you are my summer
Acum tu esti vara mea
Now you are my summer
Lasa totul inapoi sa fugim in mare goi
Let all back to run in the sea nudes
Hai acum ca ne-am gasit s-alergam spre rasarit
Let's go now 'cuz I find you
Orice-ar spune vocea ta, stii raspunsul, vei uita
Whatever your voice would say, you know the answer you'll forget
Un trecut de iarna grea, acum tu esti vara mea
A hard winter past, now you are my summer
Tu esti vara mea
You are my summer