Amira Hati Hati english translation

Amira Hati Hati song lyrics
Amira Hati Hati translation
Ada dua jalan cerita
There's two way story
Duka atau bahagia
Sadness or happiness
Mahu pilih yang mana
What do I chose
Hati masih bertanya
My heart still wandering
Lekas, aku mahu jawabnya
Quick, I want the answer

Jaga kau hati-hati
Take care, careful
Takut ia dicuri
Afraid it might be stolen
Kelak nanti kau kan patah hati
Later your heart will be broken
Mungkin akan terjadi.
Maybe it'll happen
Tapi masih tak pasti
But not so sure

Harap engkau mengerti
Hope you understand

Lihat pada indah bulan bintang
Look at the beautiful moon and stars
Namun hilang bila tiba siang
But it'll gone when dawn

Dan kerna itu ku rasa bimbang
And for that I'm concerned
Untukmu cintaku
For you, my love

Angin membuaikan rasa rindu
Wind makes me misses you

Tapi tak seperti yang selalu
But not always like usual
Dan kali ini ku biar berlalu rasaku
And for this I let go of my feelings
Jadi kau hati-hati
So you be careful

Dalam cerita ada rahsia
In story there's secrets
Rahsia engkau, aku dan dia
Secret of you, me, and her
Masih aku tertanya apa pengakhirannya
I'm still wandering what is the ending
Lekas, aku mahu jawabnya
Quick, I want the answer
Jaga kau hati-hati
Take care, careful
Takut ia dicuri
Afraid it might be stolen
Kelak nanti kau kan patah hati
Later your heart will be broken
Mungkin akan terjadi
Maybe it'll happen
Tapi masih tak pasti
But not so sure
Harap engkau mengerti
Hope you understand
Lihat pada indah bulan bintang
Look at the beautiful moon and stars
Namun hilang bila tiba siang
But it'll gone when dawn
Dan kerna itu ku rasa bimbang
And for that I'm concerned
Untukmu cintaku
For you, my love
Angin membuaikan rasa rindu
Wind makes me misses you
Tapi tak seperti yang selalu
But not always like usual
Dan kali ini ku biar berlalu rasaku
And for this I let go of my feelings
Jadi kau hati-hati
So you be careful
Wahai merpati dua sejoli.
Dear pigeons two lovebirds
Jangan kau terlupa
Don't you ever forget
Ikutkan hati
Followed by heart
Engkau kan pergi
You'll be gone
Ikutkan rasa kau binasa
Followed by feelings, you'll perish
Lihat pada indah bulan bintang
Look at the beautiful moon and stars
Namun hilang bila tiba siang
But it'll gone when dawn
Dan kerna itu ku rasa bimbang
And for that I'm concerned
Untukmu cintaku
For you, my love
Angin membuaikan rasa rindu
Wind makes me misses you
Tapi tak seperti yang selalu
But not always like usual
Dan kali ini ku biar berlalu rasaku
And for this I let go of my feelings
Jadi kau jaga lah kau hati
So take care of your heart
Takut kan patah hati
Afraid it'll broke
Dan kali ini ku biar rasa ku
And for this I let go of my feelings
Jadi kau hati hati.
So you be careful