Amuk Akar Dan Bumi english translation

Amuk Akar Dan Bumi song lyrics
Amuk Akar Dan Bumi translation
Tinggi-tinggi kelapa bali
Highly coconut bali
Kental berdiri
Solid standing
Akar di bumi
Roots on earth
Walau bermusim di terik mentari
Even seasonal in the sunshine
Tidak sekali lupakan diri
Never forget about yourself

Bila menari dongak ke langit
When dancing to the sky
Langkah mu sumbang salahkan bumi
Your steps hurt the earth
Silap sendiri tak dipeduli
It's not funny
Terbiar sudah membuta tuli
Abandoned already deaf
Baru tengadah menyesali diri
New look tears of self

Ikutkan rasa kelak binasa
Bring the feeling of despair
Kerasnya hati membawa mati
The hardness of the heart brings death
Pentingkan dosa sumpah bertakhta
Consider the sin of the oath of power
Megah ilusi mejadi mimpi
The illusion of illusion is a dream
Panasnya diri bagai dibakar api
The heat was as fire-burned

Tinggi-tinggi kelapa bali
Highly coconut bali
Walaupun tinggi kental berdiri
Despite high standing
Tidak pernah lupa diri
Never forget yourself
Tidak pernah megah diri
Never pretend to be
Mencengkam akar di bumi
Grab the roots of the earth

Rimbun-rimbun daun dedalu
Lush leafy leaves
Tinggi di atas sombongkan diri
High above the arrogant ones
Pandang langit lupa bumi
Look heaven earth earth
Pandang langit lupa bumi
Look heaven earth earth
Menumpang menunggu mati
Passengers are waiting to die

Bila menari dongak ke langit
When dancing to the sky
Langkah mu sumbang salahkan bumi
Your steps hurt the earth
Silap sendiri tak dipeduli
It's not funny
Terbiar sudah membuta tuli
Abandoned already deaf
Baru tengadah menyesali diri
New look tears of self

Ikutkan rasa kelak binasa
Bring the feeling of despair
Kerasnya hati membawa mati
The hardness of the heart brings death
Pentingkan dosa sumpah bertakhta
Consider the sin of the oath of power
Megah ilusi mejadi mimpi
The illusion of illusion is a dream
Panasnya diri bagai dibakar api
The heat was as fire-burned

Tinggi-tinggi kelapa bali
Highly coconut bali
Walaupun tinggi kental berdiri
Despite high standing
Tidak pernah lupa diri
Never forget yourself
Tidak pernah megah diri
Never pretend to be
Mencengkam akar di bumi
Grab the roots of the earth

Rimbun-rimbun daun dedalu
Lush leafy leaves
Tinggi di atas sombongkan diri
High above the arrogant ones
Pandang langit lupa bumi
Look heaven earth earth
Pandang langit lupa bumi
Look heaven earth earth
Menumpang menunggu mati
Passengers are waiting to die

Bila menari dongak ke langit
When dancing to the sky
Langkah mu sumbang salahkan bumi
Your steps hurt the earth
Silap sendiri tak dipeduli
It's not funny
Terbiar sudah membuta tuli
Abandoned already deaf
Baru tengadah menyesali diri
New look tears of self

Ikutkan rasa kelak binasa
Bring the feeling of despair
Kerasnya hati membawa mati
The hardness of the heart brings death
Pentingkan dosa sumpah bertakhta
Consider the sin of the oath of power
Megah ilusi mejadi mimpi
The illusion of illusion is a dream
Panasnya diri bagai dibakar api
The heat was as fire-burned