Ana Gabriel Cosas del Amor english translation

Feat Vikki Carr
Ana Gabriel Cosas del Amor song lyrics
Ana Gabriel Cosas del Amor translation
Amiga, tengo el corazón herido
my friend, my heart is broken
el hombre que yo quiero se me va
the man I love is going away
lo estoy perdiendo, lo estoy sufriendo
I am losing him, I'm suffering
llorando de impotencia no puedo retenerlo
wrecklessly I'm crying, I can't hold him back

Amiga, mientras quede un esperanza
my friend, as long as there's hope
tu tienes que luchar por ese amor
you have to fight for that love
si el es el hombre de tu vida
if he's the man of your life
no te des nunca por vencida
then, never give up
que vale todo si se lucha por amor
it's totally worthy to fight for love

Como puedo hacer
how can I deal with this?
entrega todo
give everything away
todo se lo dí
I have him everything
intenta un modo
try a different way
no es posible que se pueda querer mas
it's impossible to love him even more
pensando así lo perderás
thinking that way you'll lose him

Y si el se va
and if he left
lo habrás perdido
you'd lost him
que me quedara lo que has vivido
I'll be left with what we lived
tu consejo no me aleja del dolor
your advise does not stop the pain
son cosas del amor
these are love issues

Amiga yo no se que esta pasando
my friend, I don't even know what's going on
será que habrá encontrado otra mujer
it is because he found another woman?
ya no es el mismo, su indiferencia
he's not the same, his indifference
la siento por las noches, rechaza mi presencia
I feel it at nights, it rejects my precense

Amiga no será que has descuidado
my friend, is it because you have forsaken
la forma de buscarlo en el amor
the way you find him in love game
quizás la casa, la rutina
maybe in the house, the routine
se ha convertido en tu enemiga
has become your enemy
y esta cobrando un alto precio por tu error
and it is billing a high price

Como puedo hacer
how can I deal with this?
entrega todo
give everything away
todo se lo dí
I have him everything
intenta un modo
try a different way
no es posible que se pueda querer mas
it's impossible to love him even more
pensando así lo perderás
thinking that way you'll lose him

Y si el se va
and if he left
lo habrás perdido
you'd lost him
que me quedara lo que has vivido
I'll be left with what we lived
tu consejo no me aleja del dolor
your advise does not stop the pain

Son cosas del amor
these are love issues