Andra And The Backbone Perih english translation

Andra And The Backbone Perih song lyrics
Andra And The Backbone Perih translation
Saat air mata
when the tears
membasahi bumi
stream down to the earth
yang tak akan bisa
which never
menghapus sang pedih
ease the sorrow

Aku pun tak bisa
so I can't
saat kau meminta
when you asked me
‘tuk bangkitkan lagi
to bring back
yang t'lah lama mati
everything had fade away

Biarlah, biarlah semua
so let it be
berlalu, seperti waktu
passed, like the time
Dan kini, hadapi semua
now, face it all
walaupun itu perih
eventhough it will be hurt

Ini bukan akhir dunia
it is not the end of the world
dan bukan segalanya
and it is not everything
janganlah berhenti
don't be stop
sampai akhir nanti
till the end

Tak usah kau sesali
you're not need to sorry
dan tak perlu kau tangisi
and you're not need to cry
semua yang t'lah pergi
everything that's gone away
walau tinggalkan perih
even they're left all the hurts
walaupun itu perih walaupun itu…
eventhough it will be hurt eventhough it...