Antonia Gresesc english translation

Antonia Gresesc song lyrics
Antonia Gresesc translation
In general, eu nu joc sah, regele e nebun
I normally don't play chess when the king is mad
Tu imi iei tot cand ma imparti, si te miri ca nu ma adun
You take all of me when you divide me up but then wonder why I can't pick up all the pieces and get it together
Nu mi-ai dat iubirea ta, ti-a fost frica sa n-o consum
You didn't give me your love, afraid that I would waste it
Cum poti sa fii ca iarna, cand n-ai inima scrum
How could you be as cold as winter, when your heart isn't cold?

La noi e o linie subtire
For us there's a fine line
Intre obsesie si iubire
Bewteen obsession and love

Am nevoie sa ai nevoie doar de mine
I need for you to need only me
Si, cand nu ai, sa n-ai de nimeni
And turn to no one else but me
Poate ca ea stie sa te aline
She might draw you close to her
Dar eu gresesc cel mai bine
But I make the best mistakes
Eu gresesc cel mai bine, eu
I do, I make the best mistakes

Am nevoie sa ai nevoie doar de mine
I need for you to need only me
Si, cand nu ai, sa n-ai de nimeni
And turn to no one else but me
Poate ca ea stie sa te aline
She might draw you close to her
Dar eu gresesc cel mai bine
But I make the best mistakes
Eu gresesc cel mai bine, eu
I do, I make the best mistakes
Eu gresesc cel mai bine dintre toate
My mistakes are the best

Ochii tai reci au ramas doi ghetari ce ma ard din nou
Your cold eyes two iceburgs that blaze through me
Ai pus durerea intr-un vas, mi l-ai dat ca pe un cadou
You placed your hurt in a vessel and gave it to me as a gift
Dar, orice ar fi, eu tresar si revin la pieptul tau
But through it all I rise and return to you
De ce ma simt atat de bine cand imi faci atata rau
Why do I still feel so good when you hurt me so much?

La noi e o linie subtire
For us there's a fine line
Intre obsesie si iubire
Bewteen obsession and love

Am nevoie sa ai nevoie doar de mine
I need for you to need only me
Si, cand nu ai, sa n-ai de nimeni
And turn to no one else but me
Poate ca ea stie sa te aline
She might draw you close to her
Dar eu gresesc cel mai bine
But I make the best mistakes
Eu gresesc cel mai bine, eu
I do, I make the best mistakes

Am nevoie sa ai nevoie doar de mine
I need for you to need only me
Si, cand nu ai, sa n-ai de nimeni
And turn to no one else but me
Poate ca ea stie sa te aline
She might draw you close to her
Dar eu gresesc cel mai bine
But I make the best mistakes
Eu gresesc cel mai bine, eu
I do, I make the best mistakes

Dependenta de tine
Dependent on you
Tu, independent de mine
You, independent of me
Numai noi reusim sa gresim
Our mistakes are the best
Impreuna cel mai bine
When made together

Dependenta de tine
Dependent on you
Tu, independent de mine
You, independent of me
Numai noi reusim sa gresim
Our mistakes are the best
Impreuna cel mai bine
When made together

Am nevoie
I need
Am nevoie sa ai nevoie doar de mine
I need for you to need only me
Si, cand nu ai, sa n-ai de nimeni
And turn to no one else but me
Poate ca ea stie sa te aline
She might draw you close to her
Dar eu gresesc cel mai bine
But I make the best mistakes
Eu gresesc cel mai bine, eu
I do, I make the best mistakes
Am nevoie sa ai nevoie doar de mine
I need for you to need only me
Si, cand nu ai, sa n-ai de nimeni
And turn to no one else but me
Poate ca ea stie sa te aline
She might draw you close to her
Dar eu gresesc cel mai bine
But I make the best mistakes
Dar eu gresesc cel mai bine
But I make the best mistakes
Eu gresesc cel mai bine dintre toate
My mistakes are the best