Auxili Com el foc english translation

Feat Juantxo Skalari & La Rude Band
Auxili Com el foc song lyrics
Auxili Com el foc translation
Es consumeix, s'apaga, dins de mi la gana,
It consumes, it shuts off, inside me the appetite,
mil histories entre fums de tabac i marihuana.
A thousand stories between smoke of tobacco and marijuana.
Espurna, gas i flama, l'ambient brama a la sala.
Spark, gas and flame, the ambient shouts on the room.
Tinc replet el meu cervell ple de cendra, ple de brasa. Ple!
I have filled my brain full of ash, full of ember. Full!

Ple està el cendrer d'instants i moments,
Full is the ashtray of instants and moments,
dies i nits, orgasmes, crits. Ple, ple!
Days, nights, orgasms, shouts. Full, full!
Ple de mentides, males rimes,
Full of lies, bad rhymes.
apagat entre paranys cada volta que tu pires.
Shutted down between traps every time you go.

Entre la cendra veig el record i ja no pare d'anhelar oblits.
Between the ash I see the memory and no longer seems to yearn for forgotten (memories).
Em pot la pressa, enmig l'essència he vist…
The hurry can with me, in the middle of the essence I have seen ...

Instants cremats, buidar la cendra i començar de zero.
Memories burning, empty the ash and start from scratch.
Instants cremant, ser com el foc que fa reviure el ferro.
Memories burning, being like fire that revives the iron.
Instants cremats, buidar la cendra i començar de zero.
Memories burning, empty the ash and start from scratch.
Instants cremant, obrir finestres, respirar, que tot s'ho emporte el vent.
Memories burning, empty the ash and start from scratch.

Donem la volta, comencem per aquí, som-hi!
Let's turn around, and start from here, we're there!
Respirem amb força, obrim nou camí.
Breathe hard, we'll open a new path.
Seguim. Seguirem.
Go ahed! We'll go ahead!
Aixequem la nostra flama.
Rise our flame!
Seguim. Seguirem.
Go ahed! We'll go ahead!
De les derrotes s'aprén, no sempre es guanya.
Of losses we learn, wins are not guaranted.
Foc al meu cervell per cremar noves victòries,
Fire in my brain, to burn new victories,
foc, alcem el puny, companys, companyes!
Fire, we rise the fist, collegues!

Instants cremats, buidar la cendra i començar de zero.
Memories burning, empty the ash and start from scratch.
Instants cremant, ser com el foc que fa reviure el ferro.
Memories burning, being like fire that revives the iron.
Instants cremats, buidar la cendra i començar de zero.
Memories burning, empty the ash and start from scratch.
Instants cremant, obrir finestres, respirar, que tot s'ho emporte el vent.
Memories burning, empty the ash and start from scratch.