Aziz Harun Mama english translation

Feat Elizabeth Tan
Aziz Harun Mama song lyrics
Aziz Harun Mama translation
Pertama kalinya aku buka mata,
for the first time I open my eyes,
mama yang bersusah menjagaku sentiasa,
my mom work hard to take good care of me,
menjagaku selalu.
take good care of me

Idola, supermom itulah mamaku,
my idol supermom that is my mom,
sempurna selalu pada mata aku oh,
always look perfect in my eyes oh.
pada mata semua oh.
on every eyes oh.

Tapi ada waktunya,
But there is a time,
tidak sehaluan,
we not together,
tapi di penghujungnya,
but in the end,
mother knows best always.
mother knows best always

Mama, satunya ratu hatiku,
my mom always be in my heart,
mama, selalu ada untukku,
my mom always be there for me,
bila ku bersedih, bila ku terjatuh,
when I sad , when I fall,
mama ada, selalu ada,
my mom there,always there
sayang mama.
I love mom

Mama, satunya ratu hatiku,
my mom always be in my heart,
mama, tak pernah jemu denganku,
my mom never be shy of me,
bila ku bersedih, bila ku terjatuh,
when I sad , when I fall,
mama ada, selalu ada,
my mom there,always there
sayang mama.
I love mom

Waktu ku remaja ada-ada saja,
when I was a teenager it was complicated,
nak ini, nak itu,
I want this,I want that
mama tetap setia,
But my mom loyal,
mama sabar saja oh.
my mom just patient oh,

Tapi ada waktunya,
But there is a time,
tidak sehaluan,
we not together,
tapi di penghujungnya,
but in the end,
mother knows best always.
mother knows best always

Mama, satunya ratu hatiku,
my mom always be in my heart,
mama, selalu ada untukku,
my mom always be there for me,
bila ku bersedih, bila ku terjatuh,
when I sad , when I fall,
mama ada, selalu ada,
my mom there,always there
sayang mama.
I love mom

Mama, satunya ratu hatiku,
my mom always be in my heart,
mama, tak pernah jemu denganku,
my mom never be shy of me,
bila ku bersedih, bila ku terjatuh,
when I sad , when I fall,
mama ada, selalu ada,
my mom there,always there
sayang mama.
I love mom

Ibu, ibu engkaulah ratu hatiku,
mom,oh mom you are the of my heart
ibu, oh ibu kaulah ratu hatiku,
mom,oh my mom you are the queen of my heart,
ibu, ibu engkaulah ratu hatiku.
mom,oh mom you are the of my heart

Mama, satunya ratu hatiku,
my mom always be in my heart,
mama, selalu ada untukku,
my mom always be there for me,
bila ku bersedih, bila ku terjatuh,
when I sad , when I fall,
mama ada, selalu ada,
my mom there,always there
sayang mama.
I love mom

Oh ibu, ku sayang kamu,
oh my mom, I love you,
sayang mama.
I love mom