Blaumut De moment english translation

Blaumut De moment song lyrics
Blaumut De moment translation
Mirant de veure el temps,
Trying to see time,
les pomes verdes i aquest cel desert.
Green apples and this deserted sky.
La ciutat dels errors
The city of mistakes
avui és com un bosc tot ple de menta.
today is like a forest full of mint.

Només veig un fanal,
I only see a lamp,
i tres ocells a la branca d'un bar.
and three birds on the branch of a bar.
Simplement no és dilluns,
Simply it isn't Monday,
i el teu desembre no es refreda mai.
and your Desember never cools down.

De moment, de moment,
For the moment, for the moment,
seurem aquí, veurem passar la gent, i, potser,
we will seat here, watching people pass by, and, maybe,
les nostres siluetes també, no ho sé…,
also our silhouettes, I don't know...,
vestides amb paraules i un barret.
dressed in words and a hat.

Els cotxes ambulants,
The travelling cars,
tu condueixes frases sense mans,
you drive sentences free handed,
i el solet als botons
and the sun on the buttons
del teu abric mirant per la finestra.
of your coat looking through the window.
I la llum als racons
And the light in the nooks
de tots els pensaments, però…
of every thought, but...

De moment, de moment,
For the moment, for the moment,
seurem aquí, veurem passar la gent, i, potser,
we will seat here, watching people pass by, and, maybe,
les nostres siluetes també, no ho sé…,
also our silhouettes, I don't know...,
vestides amb paraules i un barret.
dressed in words and a hat.

Caminant, caminant,
Walking, walking,
faran coses curioses d'un passat tronat,
they'll do curious things from a troubled past,
i pujaran a un taxi mig aparcat
and get in a half parked taxi
cap a una terrasseta on veure el mar.
to a little terrace to see the sea.