BLUE ENCOUNT Survivor english translation

BLUE ENCOUNT Survivor song lyrics
BLUE ENCOUNT Survivor translation
まわりまわって さぁ今 重なり合った未来
We've taken the long way around, but now's the time – all our futures have fallen into place:
We are 最後のサバイバー
We are the last survivors!

どうにかなりそうだよ 偽装した理想 思想
It seems things might just work out: with these camouflaged ideals… and ideas…
どうにかしてくれよ 武装した野望 希望
So c'mon and do something about: these armed ambitions… and hopes.

機械のような奴らに 支配される前に居場所を探せよ!
Before we're dominated by those machine-like people, we gotta find a place where we belong!

まわりまわって さぁ今 重なり合った未来
We've taken the long way around, but now's the time – all our futures have fallen into place:
手を取りあって僕ら 地を這い立ち向かうよ
Taking one another's hands, we'll crawl the Earth and stand in opposition!
まわりまわって さぁ今 宇宙(そら)に放った願い
We've taken the long way around, but now's the time – with our wishes fired off into space,
We are 最後のサバイバー
We are the last survivors!

We've started not caring about anything:
腐敗した微笑 苦笑
Smiles decayed… turned bitter…

We see a myriad of things in various colors,
But becoming obsessed with these fleeting days,
We grow used to being alone, hiding in our shells and waiting- waiting for our opportunity!

Now that those senses are honed, spit out in force:
That anger inside!

まわりまわって さぁ今 ゼロに戻った未来
We've taken the long way around, but now's the time – the future's wound back to zero,
悲しむなって 今日は昨日より悪くないよ
But I'm telling you, don't despair: today's still not as bad as yesterday was!
まわりまわって さぁ今 霧がかかった祈り
We've taken the long way around, but now's the time – our prayers are shrouded in fog,
We are 最後のsurvivor
But we are the last survivors!

Run- run- run!
Sound your soul aloud,
As if you can't be bothered by exhaustion.
Live- live- live!
These hands, protecting our comrades,
Have gotta be the strongest weapons in human history!

まわりまわって さぁ今 重なり合った未来
We've taken the long way around, but now's the time – all our futures have fallen into place:
手を取りあって僕ら 地を這い立ち向かうよ
Taking one another's hands, we'll crawl the Earth and stand in opposition!
まわりまわって さぁ今 宇宙(そら)に放った願い
We've taken the long way around, but now's the time – with our wishes fired off into space,
There's no way we can let ourselves lose!
We'll go on protecting this dream,
That finally came true:
We are 最後のサバイバー
We are the last survivors!

We are 最後のサバイバー
We are the last survivors!