Buena Vista Social Club Veinte Anos english translation

Buena Vista Social Club Veinte Anos song lyrics
Buena Vista Social Club Veinte Anos translation
¿Qué te importa que te ame,
Why do you care I love you
si tú no me quieres ya?
if you don't love me anymore?
El amor que ya ha pasado
The love which has already happened
no se debe recordar.
doesn't have to be reminded
Fui la ilusión de tu vida
I was the illusion of your life
un día lejano ya,
one day far away now
Hoy represento al pasado,
Today I represent the past
no me puedo conformar.
I can't be satisfied
Si las cosas que uno quiere
If we could reach
se pudieran alcanzar,
the things we want
tú me quisieras lo mismo
you would love me the same way
que veinte años atrás.
you loved me twenty years ago
Con qué tristeza miramos
With such a sadness we look
un amor que se nos va
at a love that is gone
Es un pedazo del alma
It is a piece of the soul
que se arranca sin piedad.
that is started whithout pity