BUMP OF CHICKEN セントエルモの火 english translation

BUMP OF CHICKEN セントエルモの火 song lyrics
BUMP OF CHICKEN セントエルモの火 translation
夜が終わる前に追い付けるかな 同じ坂道の上の違う位置で
I'll chase after you before the night is over. We take the same hilly road, but you are above
同じ場所に向けて 歩いてるんだ 今どんな顔してる
We head towards the same place, we walk there. What sort of face are you making right now?
I wonder how far ahead of me you are?
言葉を知ってるのはお互い様な 言葉が足りないのもお互い様な
We both know the words, but neither of us have enough of them
勝手について来たんだ 構わず行けよ ほら全部がお互い様な
I followed you here by my own will, and you go without a care. Really, everything about us is alike
how far are you? 星が綺麗な事に 気付いてるかな
How far are you? Do you realize how beautiful the stars are?
僕が気付けたのは 君のおかげなんだよ ずっと上を見てたから
I realized this thanks to you, because you are always looking up
急に険しくなった手も使わなきゃ ここ登る時に怪我なんかしてないといいが
Suddenly the road gets steep and I have to use my hands, I hope I don't get hurt as I climb
立ち止まって知ったよ 笑うくらい寒いや ちゃんと上着持ってきたか
I know you stopped and waited for me. It's so cold I could laugh
解り合おうとしたら迷子になる 近くても遠くてややこしくて面倒な僕らだ
Did you remember to bring a coat? We get lost trying to understand each other
だからついて来たんだ 解り易いだろう ちょっとしんどいけど楽しいよ
We are close, far, complicated, difficult so I followed you. That's easy to understand, right? It's a bit exhausting, but fun
how far are you? 震える小さな花を 見付けたかな
How far are you? I found a small, trembling flower
闇が怖くないのは 君のおかげなんだよ 君も歩いた道だから
I'm not scared of the dark any more, thanks to you, because you take the same road as me
言いたい事は無いよ 聞きたい事も無いよ
There's nothing I want to say. There's nothing I want to hear
ただ 届けたい事なら ちょっとあるんだ
There's just something I want you to know
ついて来たっていう 馬鹿げた事実に
That I followed after you that's the foolish truth
価値など無いけど それだけ知って欲しくてさ
It may be worthless, but that's the one thing I want you to know
どれくらい先にいるんだろう どれくらい離れてるんだろう
I wonder how far ahead of me you are? I wonder how far apart we are? What sort of face you are making right now?
靴紐結びがてら少し休むよ どうでもいいけどさ 水筒って便利だ
I'll take a small break as I tie my shoelaces, it doesn't matter now, but I wish I'd brought a canteen
寝転んでみた夜空に 静寂は笑って 月が滲んで揺れる
The darkness laughs at the night sky I tried to lie down upon, the moon blurs and waivers
解らない何かで胸が一杯だ こんなに疲れても足は動いてくれる
My heart is full of something I don't understand. I am very tired, but my feet keep on moving
同じ場所に向けて 歩いてたんじゃない 僕は君に向かってるんだ
After all, we head towards the same place. We walk there I head towards you
how far are you? 一緒に生きてる事は 当たり前じゃない
How far are you? Of course we are alive together
別々の呼吸を 懸命に読み合って ここまで来たんだよ
Our breath eagerly comes forth we have come this far
how far are you? 僕が放った唄に 気付いてないなら
How far are you? If you haven't noticed my song
いつまでだって歌おう 君のおかげなんだよ いつも探してくれるから
I'll keep on singing for you forever thanks to you. Because you are always looking for me
Because I'm sure you'll find me
今どんな顔してる ちょっとしんどいけど楽しいよ
What sort of face are you making right now? It's a bit exhausting, but fun
ほら 全部がお互い様な さあ どんな唄歌う
Really, everything about us is alike, well, what sort of song shall I sing?
どれくらい先にいるんだろう どれくらい離れてるんだろう
I wonder how far ahead of me you are? I wonder how far apart we are? What sort of face you are making right now?
It's a bit exhausting, but fun. Really, everything about us is alike
さあ どんな唄歌う
Well, what sort of song shall I sing?