Cem Karaca Obur Dünya english translation

Cem Karaca Obur Dünya song lyrics
Cem Karaca Obur Dünya translation
Seni okuyup yazani
One who writes and learns you
Yunus gibi bir ozani
A minstrel like Yunus
Koskocaman Pir Sultan'ı
Pir Sultan the tremendous
Yedin yine doymadin mi?
You ate them and still not sated with?

Haci bektas-i veli'yi
Hacı Bektaşi Veli
İmam hasan huseyin'i
İmam Hasan and Hüseyin
O mubarek mevlana'yi
Mevlana the blessed
Yedin yine doymadin mi?
You ate them and still not sated with?

Fani kurmussun temeli
You set up the base as mortal now i know
Bilmem sana ne demeli
I don't know what I should tell you
Koca Mustafa Kemal'i
Mustafa Kemal the great
Yedin yine doymadin mi?
You ate them and still not sated with?

Dünya dunya yalan dunya
The world, the world, world the lie
Karnı buyuk obur dunya
The gourmand world whose belly's large
Yedin yine doymadin mi?
You ate them and still not sated with?