Machibouke Station english translation Machibouke Station song lyrics Machibouke Station translation
あぁ 赤いいちごがない ショートケーキは / Ah, a strawberry sponge cake without a red strawberry feels me / Ah akai ichigo ga nai short cake wa
Ah, a strawberry sponge cake without a red strawberry feels me
広い宇宙ひたすら 泳いでるみたい / swimming wide universe earnestly / Hiroi uchuh hitasura oyoideru mitai
swimming wide universe earnestly
きっと ラクダに乗って 今ごろあなたも / I think you are riding a camel at same time and / Kitto rakuda ni notte imagoro anata mo
I think you are riding a camel at same time and
月の砂漠 旅してる / traveling at the Desert Moon/ Tsuki no sabaku tabi shiteru
traveling at the Desert Moon
星空を 見上げて きゅんとパラレル / I look up a starry sky and feel heart-pounding parallelly. /Hoshizora o miagete kyun to parallel
I look up a starry sky and feel heart-pounding parallelly
もどかしい 気持ちを ぎゅっとポケット / I pack up impatient feelings into a pocket / Modokashii kimochi o gyutto pocket
I pack up impatient feelings into a pocket
say hello 今夜は月がいちごみたいに 赤いよ / say hello, the moon is so red that it looks like a strawberry tonight. / Say hello konnya wa tsuki ga ichigo mitaini akai yo
say hello, the moon is so red that it looks like a strawberry tonight
夢でshall we dance パジャマのまま踊ろう / In a dream, shall we dance remain in pajamas / Yume de shall we dance pajama no mama odorou
In a dream, shall we dance remain in pajamas
fly to the moon 飛んで行けスペクトル / fly to the moon, fly into spectrum / Fly to the moon tondeike spectrum
fly to the moon, fly into spectrum
電話しなくても イシンデンシン / We can be communicated telepathically without telephone /Denwa shinakutemo ishindenshin
We can be communicated telepathically without telephone
月の・うさぎがね・そっとシグナル送ってくれた / a moon rabit send me signals softly / Tsuki no usagi gane sotto signal okutte kureta
A moon rabit send me signals softly
「明日会えるよ」って / "You can meet him tommorow" / "Ashita aeru yo" tte
You can meet him tommorow
愛の言葉並べて全部送っても / Even if I sent you all words of love / Ai no kotoba narabete zenbu okuttemo
Even if I sent you all words of love
きっと足りないくらいなの / it won't be enough /Kitto tarinai kurai nano
it won't be enough
神さまの魔法少しもらって 君と光りたい / I want a little miracle from the God and want to shine with you. / kamisama no mahoh sukoshi moratte kimi to hikari tai
want a little miracle from the God and want to shine with you
そうよ 土星の輪っか 頭につけて / Yes, putting Saturn's ring on my head / Souyo dosei no wakka atama ni tsukete
Yes, putting Saturn's ring on my head
Lovin you!!kiss kiss kiss
Lovin you!!kiss kiss kiss
早く迎えに来て / please come for me soon /Hayaku mukae ni kite
please come for me soon
ねえ 青い空の隙間に 近未来 / Hey you. I find a near future in the blue sky gap. / Nee aoisora no sukima ni kinmirai
Hey you. I find a near future in the blue sky gap
ぽっかりと浮かんでいたんだ 帰り道 / It float lightly in my return path. / Pokkari to ukande itanda kaerimichi
It float lightly in my return path
きっと 私の気持ちを惑わせてる / Surely, something is confusing me / Kitto watashi no kimochi o madowaseteru
Surely, something is confusing me
秘密主義のUFOね / It's a secretive UFO. /Himitsushugi no UFO ne
It's a secretive UFO
木星の ファミレスで ずっと待っているよ / I'm waiting for you for a long time at the family restaurant in Saturn / Mokusei no famiresu de zutto matte iru yo
I'm waiting for you for a long time at the family restaurant in Saturn
火星まで着いたら サイン送って / Please send me a sign, when you've reached at Mars. / Kasei made tsuitara sign okutte
Please send me a sign, when you've reached at Mars
say hello なんだか恋って無重力ミステリー / say hello, Somehow I think love is a zero gravity mystery / Say hello nandaka koi tte mujuhryoku mystery
say hello, Somehow I think love is a zero gravity mystery
星で shall we dance テレパシーで踊ろうよ 甘い 嘘ならいらない / In a star, shall we dance with telepathy. I don't need sweet lie / Hoshi de shall we dance telepathy de odorou yo amai uso nara iranai
In a star, shall we dance with telepathy. I don't need sweet lie
私たちきっと前世 双子ね / I guess we were twins in previous life / Watashi tachi kitto futago ne
I guess we were twins in previous life
手相・占いじゃ・KY線の形までもが同じなんだよ / A palmistry tells me that we have same destiny. / Tesoh uranai ja KYsen no katachi mademoga onaji nanndayo
A palmistry tells me that we have same destiny
生命線は途中で切れちゃってるけど 素粒子になっても 大好きさ / Even though the line of Life is broken, I'll love you even if I'm decomposed into fundamental particles / Seimei sen wa tochuh de kire chatteru kedo soryuhshi ni nattemo daisuki sa
Ah, a strawberry sponge cake without a red strawberry feels me
ドリンクバーも 9杯目だし 君と光りたい / It's 9th refill of free drink, I want to shine with you soon. / Drink bar mo kyuh haime dashi kimi to hikari tai
It's 9th refill of free drink, I want to shine with you soon
吸い込まれてみたいの ブラックホール / I want to be swallowed up by a black hole / Suikomarete mitaino black hole
I want to be swallowed up by a black hole
Lovin you! kiss kiss kiss
Lovin you!!kiss kiss kiss
早く迎えに来て / Please come for me soon /Hayaku mukaeni kite
please come for me soon
fly to the moon lalalala・・・
fly to the moon lalalala・・・
早く迎えに来て! / please come for me soon! /Hayaku mukaeni kite!
please come for me soon
待ちぼうけ 銀河ステーション / Waiting in the galaxy station / Machiboke ginga station
Waiting in the galaxy station
夢でshall we dance パジャマのまま踊ろう / In a dream, shall we dance? Let's dance in pajamas /Yume de shall we dance pajama no mama odorou
In a dream, shall we dance remain in pajamas
fly to the moon 飛んで行けスペクトル / Fly to the moon, fly spectrum / Fly to the moon tondeike spectrum
fly to the moon, fly into spectrum
電話しなくても イシンデンシン / We can communicate with each other telepathically without telephone / Denwa shinakutemo ishindenshin
We can communicate with each other telepathically without telephone
月の・うさぎがね・そっとシグナル送ってくれた / A moon rabit send me signals softly / Tsuki no usagi gane sotto signal okutte kureta
A moon rabit send me signals softly
「明日会えるよ」って / "You can meet him tommorow" / "Ashita aeru yo" tte
You can meet him tommorow
愛の言葉並べて全部送っても / If I sent you all words of love / Ai no kotoba narabete zenbu okuttemo
Even if I sent you all words of love
きっと足りないくらいなの / It won't be enough /Kitto tarinai kurai nano
it won't be enough
神さまの魔法少しもらって 君と光りたい / I'm given a miracle from a God and I want to shine with you / kamisama no mahoh sukoshi moratte kimi to hikari tai
want a little miracle from the God and want to shine with you
そうよ 土星の輪っか 頭につけて / Yes, putting Saturn's ring on my head / Souyo dosei no wakka atama ni tsukete
Yes, putting Saturn's ring on my head
Lovin you ! kiss kiss kiss
Lovin you!!kiss kiss kiss
早く迎えに来て / Please come for me soon /Hayaku mukae ni kite
please come for me soon
fly to the moon lalalala・・・
fly to the moon lalalala・・・
早く迎えに来て! / Please come for me soon! /Hayaku mukae ni kite!
please come for me soon
fly to the moon lalalala・・・
fly to the moon lalalala・・・
待ちぼうけ 銀河ステーション / Waiting in the galaxy station / Machibohke ginga station
Waiting in the galaxy station