Dewi Lestari Dongeng Secangkir Kopi english translation

Dewi Lestari Dongeng Secangkir Kopi song lyrics
Dewi Lestari Dongeng Secangkir Kopi translation
tiap kau datang tak lupa ku tawarkan
everytime you come I never forget to offering you
secangkir minuman yang kau suka
a cup of drink that you like
sesendok kopi, sedikit gula, sesuai selera
a spoon of coffee, a little of sugar, according to your taste

katamu buatanku istimewa
you said drink I made was amazing

hari-hari terus berlari
days goes on
hingga kopi tidak lagi memadai
till the coffee is hit the limit
kini kau datang ku ingin menawarkan
now you coming I want to offer you

selain minuman yang kau suka
besides the drink you like
waktu, sayang, perhatian, sesuai selera
a time, love, careness, according to your taste

untukmu tak terbatas ku sajikan
for you is unlimited for me to serve it

kini aku tinggal tunggu
now I just need to wait

kamu mau atau cuma kopi saja (kopi saja)
do you want it or just for the coffee (just coffee)
tinggal tunggu saja (tunggu saja) jawabanmu (jawabanmu)
just need to wait (need to wait) your answer (your answer)

tinggal tunggu saja jawabanmu
you just need to wait your answer

jawaban aku tunggu bersama cangkir kosongmu
I'm waiting for the answer with your empty cup
katamu hari ini istimewa
you say today is perfect day
kau temukan ada cinta ketinggalan
you found there's love that missed
di dasar cangkir kopimu
in the base of your coffee
nanti kau datang statusmu bukan teman
later you come with your status as no friend no more
kamu jadi pacar yang ku banggakan
you're my date that I proud of
secangkir cinta kopi kita-ku tiada dua
there's nothing duplicate a cup love of our coffee
denganmu hidup ini istimewa
with you life is perfect
kini kita tinggal tunggu
now we just need to wait
hari-hari membesarkan anak cucu
Days we brought up our kids and grand children
anak cucu, anak cucu, anak cucu, anak cucu
Kids and Grand children, Kids and Grand children, Kids and Grand children, Kids and Grand children