Esteman No Te Metas a Mi Facebook english translation

Esteman No Te Metas a Mi Facebook song lyrics
Esteman No Te Metas a Mi Facebook translation
Pedro Villa y Josefina están prontos a ligar,
Pedro Villa and Josefina are ready to flirt
Pero Laura la vecina los ha visto desertar,
but Laura, the neighbor, has seen them disappear
Juan Ruja renuncia y lo hace publicar
Juan Ruja quit and make public
Leonora su esposa pronto lo va a borrar
Leonora, his wife, will soon delete him

Amanda y Miranda acaban de rastrear
Amanda and Miranda have just tracked
A Lina su amiga que les dejó de hablar
Lina, their friend, who stopped talking with them
Tantean, husmean, no hay nada que indagar
They probe, gossip, there is nothing to inquire
Es fácil, muy fácil, sólo opriman pokear
It's easy, very easy, just press poke

No no te metas a mi Facebook
Don't get in my social media
No te metas por favor
Please don't get in
Cada vez que tengo un inbox
Every time I get an inbox
Me provoca poner close
makes me want to hit "close"
No te metas a mi Facebook
Don't get in my social media
No te metas por favor
Please don't get in
Cuando escribas melodramas
Whenever you write melodramas
No me lo hagas por el wall
Don't do it through the wall

De 620 amigos te relacionas con 10
Of 620 friends you only talk with 10
90 desconocidos más 60 friend requests
90 strangers plus 60 friens requests
Te buscan, rebuscan, pronto te van a ver
They look for you, and again. Soon, they are going to see you
Juntitos, toditos, apuéstenle a la red
Together, everyone, bet on the net

200 eventos, a los que debes ir
200 events to which you have to go
Aceptas a todos aunque no quieras ir
You agree with all of them even though you don't want to go
Tu vida es difícil, tienes que decidir
Your life is hard, you have to decide
Aplica la regla, ponle a todos maybe
Rule applies, put maybe to all of them

No no te metas a mi Facebook
Don't get in my social media
No te metas por favor
Please don't get in
Cada vez que tengo un inbox
Every time I get an inbox
Me provoca poner close
makes me want to hit "close"
No te metas a mi Facebook
Don't get in my social media
No te metas por favor
Please don't get in
Cuando escribas melodramas
Whenever you write melodramas
No me lo hagas por el wall
Don't do it through the wall

No me lo hagas por el wall (bis)
Don't do it through the wall
Me provoca poner close
makes me want to hit "close"

No me digas que no tienes que ir al baño
Don't tell me you have to go to the restroom
Cuando, te miro te la pasas Facebookeando
Whenever I see you using social media
y luego suspiro, te vas a quedar un rato
and then I sigh, you're going to stay there for a while
y mucho más
and much more

No me digas que tienes otro cumpleaños,
Don't tell me you have another birthday party
Del que hace un año ni te hubieras enterado
One you didn't know about a year ago.
Será que ahora es moda festejar con los extraños
Is a new trend to party with strangers?
Y brindar por brindar
Toast because "why not?"

No no te metas a mi Facebook
Don't get in my social media
No te metas por favor
Please don't get in
Cada vez que tengo un inbox
Every time I get an inbox
Me provoca poner close
makes me want to hit "close"
No te metas a mi Facebook
Don't get in my social media
No te metas por favor
Please don't get in
Cuando escribas melodramas
Whenever you write melodramas
No me lo hagas por el wall
Don't do it through the wall