Flavour Odiro Easy song lyrics

Flavour Odiro Easy song lyrics
this one no bi yoh yoh(eazy)
so make u dey take am small small
let's go like this
ojalipopo eh! ukwunwababy eh!(3×)
ekene menu Jesus
for making today a better day
biggy biggy joliooooo
I waka comot from house to work
to see watin man go fit chop
ifuwa ha di ri easy oyorima!
I see some people wanna pull me down
I see some people wanna push me down
they can neva neva stop me now
maka na jesus dey by my side
give me one bottle(one bottle of alcoholoo)
make I drink away my sorrow
make I chaki chaki dey go
Becos ifuwa ha di ri easy ooo
life no easy brother (I ma si na o di easy)
odigi de odigi I puta no boh
odigi de odigi e pachi ri fe
odigi de odigi e mechi ri ma
maka na e nu uwa(I ma we no di le easyooo)
e maka na ka ra guawa
o kwa flavour na ba nah
agwu mu bu ojeba e we ilo
I waka comot from money plaza
I take am back to bubbles plaza
I waka to citi center,
I take am back to villa Tuscany
I see some people wanna porokoto
I see some people done dey popopopo
I go to Ghana dem dey porotopo
i see for togo dem dey popoto
give me one bottle(one bottle of acoholoo)