Frankie Ruiz La Rueda english translation

Frankie Ruiz La Rueda song lyrics
Frankie Ruiz La Rueda translation
Tu eres la rueda, yo soy el camino
you're the wheel, I'm the road
pasas encima de mi dando vueltas
you cross over me rolling out
tu rodaras porque ese es tu destino
you'll roll because that's your destiny
sin encontrar nadie que te detenga.
without find no one who stops you

Quise pararte pero ibas sin frenos
I wanted stop you, but you were without
y tus rodadas me hicieron pedazos
and your rollings broke me down
porque no quieres los caminos buenos
because you don't want the nice roads
y agarras todo lo que hay en tus pasos.
and you take off everything that is on your way

Yo que soñaba, con ser en tu vida
I just dreamed to be in your life
el terminar de tus vueltas al mundo
the end of your world rollings
te vi pasar como nave perdida
I saw you cross like a lost ship
de aquí pa'lla sin agarrar tu mundo.
from here to there without find your world

Ninguna rueda me había lastimado
no wheel hurted me
y me pasaron de las más pesadas
and those were the most weights
pero contigo quede destrozado
but with you, I were hurt
porque no hiciste ninguna parada.
because you didn't do any stop

Yo que tenia siempre a mi lado
me, that always had at my side
y el día menos pensado
and the think less day
tu te me fuiste de mi lado.
you just left of my side

Ninguna mujer a mi me había lastimado
no woman hurted me
pero contigo yo quede destrozado.
but with you, I was hurt

Yo que soñaba con ser en tu vida
I just dreamed to be in your life
el terminar de tus vueltas al mundo
the end of your world rollings
te vi pasar como nave perdida.
I saw you cross like a lost ship

Quise pararte pero no me escuchabas
wanted to stop you, but you didn't hear me
tu te querías ir con el
you wanted go with him
y de mi lado tu te alejabas.
and you left form my side

"oye negrona sigue dando vueltas"Coro:
hey 'negrona' keep rolling it. Choir
Pero hay que barbaridad,
but, what the heck
y yo sin moverme del mismo lugar.
and me without moving from the same place
"verdad que no consigue"
'she didn't get it, true'


Yo que a ti te daba todita mi lana
me that always gave you all of my money
no supiste apreciar
you didn't know appreciate
y seguiste con tus rodadas.
and you were keeping with your rollings

Tu eres la rueda yo soy el camino
you're the wheel, I'm the road
pasas encima de mi buscando tu destino.
you cross over me, looking for your destiny

Te vi pasar como nave perdida
I saw you cross like a lost ship
de aquí para'lla sin agarrar tu mundo.
from here to there, without find your world

Pero ay que barbaridad, oye que barbaridad
but, what the heck, hey what the heck!
tu lo perdiste todo y aquí tu no tienes na
you lost everything and you don't have nothing here