Gerardo Sueña english translation

Gerardo Sueña song lyrics
Gerardo Sueña translation
Esta canción va dedicada a esa gente que
This song is dedicated to those people who
esa gente que sueña pero que trabaja todos los días
Those people who dream but who works every day
para hacer ese sueño realidad
To make that dream come true

Un día mas en la batalla
One more day in the battle
tratando de escalar otra muralla
Trying to climb another wall
rodeado de sabidos y canallas
Surrounded by wise men and scoundrels
pero sigo luchando
But I'm still fighting
estoy seguro que yo valgo
I'm sure I'm worth
pero el sabor amargo del rechazo traigo.
But the bitter taste of rejection I bring.
No hay nadie que me baje de las nubes
There's no one to get me out of the clouds
en vez de criticarme mejor por que no subes
Instead of criticizing me better why do not you go up?
el mundo es diferente de este punto de vista
The world is different from this point of view
el mundo esta a tu alcance
The world is within your reach
por qué no lo conquistas?
Why do not you conquer it?

Quiero que un día digas yo lo conocia
I want one day you say I knew him
yo sabía que ese nene iba a pegar un día
I knew that baby was going to stick a day
lleno de fantasías, lleno de ganas, lleno de vida
Full of fantasies, full of desire, full of life
el triunfo era inevitable que Dios te bendiga
The triumph was inevitable that God bless you
y ahora que estas arriba no te olvides de los tuyos
And now that you're up don't forget yours
enseñale como hay que tomar puerta con los puños
Teach him how to take a door with his fists
sigue soñando, cosechando tu destino
Keep dreaming, reaping your destiny
y no te desvies de tu camino, ok?
And don't get out of your way, okay?

Cuando digan que no vales, sigue no mas
When they say you are not worth, you just follow
no cambies tu rumbo y dale
Don't change your course and give it
no mires atras
don't look back
que cuidandote yo estare ... sueña
Watching you i will be...dream
Si parece imposible, ten la seguridad
If it seems impossible, have the security
conmigo todo es posible
Everything is possible with me
yo se la verdad
I know the truth
juntos somos invencibles ... sueña
Together we are invincible ... dream

La palabra dice que con fe puedes mover montañas
The Bible says that with faith you can move mountains
yo soy testigo y sé que si yo puedo tu puedes
I am a witness and I know that if I can you can
juntos podemos ser ejemplo para que ellos nunca dejen de creer
Together we can be an example so that they never stop believing

No te des por vencido, quién dijo que era fácil?
Don't give up, who said it was easy?
yo tambien mande al carajo a todos, bueno, casi
I also fucked everyone, well, almost
es que da coraje cuando uno busca el apoyo
It's just that, give courage when you look for support
y te das cuenta que estas solo en este rollo
and you realize that you're alone in this roll

No tires la toalla por si acaso fallas
Don't throw in the towel just in case you fail
termina tu hazaña y veras como se callan
Finish your feat and you'll see how they shut up
toda esa gente que lo hizo difícil
All those people that made it difficult
como aparecen cuando ya no hay crisis
As they appear when there is no crisis
A esa misma gente le dedico esta canción
I dedicate this song to the same people
si no fuera por ustedes no hubiera motivación
If it were not for you there would be no motivation
sigan hablando, yo seguire soñando
Keep talking, I'll keep dreaming
inspirandote hasta ver un cambio
Inspiring you until you see a change

Cuando digan que no vales, sigue no mas
When they say you are not worth, you just follow
no cambies tu rumbo y dale
Don't change your course and give it
no mires atras
don't look back
que cuidandote yo estare ... sueña
Watching you i will be...dream
Si parece imposible, ten la seguridad
If it seems impossible, have the security
conmigo todo es posible
Everything is possible with me
yo se la verdad
I know the truth
juntos somos invencibles ... sueña
Together we are invincible ... dream

Yo sé que no tienes los recursos
I know you don't have the resources
que terminaste solo ciertos cursos
You finished only certain courses
y por eso no eres culto
And that's why you're not worship
pero Dios es justo
But God is fair
y ha de tener otros planes
And must have other plans
para que su caballo descartado gane
For his discarded horse to win

No pierdas la fe, hay que ser positivo
Don't lose faith, you have to be positive
Lázaro levantate que Dios te quiere vivo
Lazarus get up that God wants you alive
espero que tu objetivo no sea solo el dinero
I hope your goal is not just money
espero que tus motivos sean buenos y sinceros
I hope your motives are good and sincere
espero mucho de ti porque un hermano te considero
I expect a lot from you because a brother I consider you
tenemos el mismo padre y por el porque te quiero
We have the same father and because I love you
por el es porque este mundo me parece bello
For him it is because this world seems beautiful to me
por el es que yo sueño, por el es que yo sueño
For it is that I dream, for it is that I dream

Cuando digan que no vales, sigue no mas
When they say you are not worth, you just follow
no cambies tu rumbo y dale
Don't change your course and give it
no mires atras
don't look back
que cuidandote yo estare ... sueña
Watching you i will be...dream
Si parece imposible, ten la seguridad
If it seems impossible, have the security
conmigo todo es posible
Everything is possible with me
yo se la verdad
I know the truth
juntos somos invencibles ... sueña
Together we are invincible ... dream
Cuando digan que no vales, sigue no mas
When they say you are not worth, you just follow
no cambies tu rumbo y dale
Don't change your course and give it
no mires atras
don't look back
que cuidandote yo estare ... sueña
Watching you i will be...dream
Si parece imposible, ten la seguridad
If it seems impossible, have the security
conmigo todo es posible
Everything is possible with me
yo se la verdad
I know the truth
juntos somos invencibles ... sueña
Together we are invincible ... dream
Un hombre justo cae siete veces y vuelve a levantarse
A fair man falls seven times and rises again
qué clase de hombre eres tu? levantante!
What kind of man are you? Lifting!