Gökhan Özen Sahte Hoşçakal english translation

Gökhan Özen Sahte Hoşçakal song lyrics
Gökhan Özen Sahte Hoşçakal translation
Gözüm yok çoğunda
I'm not asking for much
Azına da razıydım aslında
Actually, I was satisfied with a little from you
Çok zaman geçti üstünden
A lot of time has passed since then
Unutulur sanmayı bıraktım ben
It's being forgotten, I've stopped considering
Dört mevsim yetmez bana
Four seasons won't be enough for me
Gözlerinde cenneti bulmaya
To find heaven in your eyes
Bir daha gelsem şu dünyaya
I would come into this world again
Yine sana ocağına doğardım ben
I would be born for you again
Sen aşkın en güzel en saf en sahici hali
You're the most beautiful, pure and genuine kind of love
Gözden düşmez ki sevmişiz besbelli
It'll never fall in disgrace, we'll be in love, for certain
Dünya bir yana sen bir yana
You're on one side, the world's on the other
Kim inanır
Who's going to believe in
Sahte hoşçakal bizimkisi
our fake goodbye
Sen aşkın en güzel en saf en sahici hali
You're the most beautiful, pure and genuine kind of love
Gözden düşmez ki sevmişiz besbelli
It'll never fall in disgrace, we'll be in love, for certain
Dünya bir yana sen bir yana
You're on one side, the world's on the other
Kim inanır
Who's going to believe in
Sahte hoşçakal bizimkisi
our fake goodbye
Gözüm yok çoğunda
I'm not asking for much
Azına da razıydım aslında
Actually, I was satisfied with a little from you
Çok zaman geçti üstünden
A lot of time has passed since then
Unutulur sanmayı bıraktım ben
It's being forgotten, I've stopped considering
Dört mevsim yetmez bana
Four seasons won't be enough for me
Gözlerinde cenneti bulmaya
To find heaven in your eyes
Bir daha gelsem şu dünyaya
I would come into this world again
Yine sana ocağına doğardım ben
I would be born for you again
Sen aşkın en güzel en saf en sahici hali
You're the most beautiful, pure and genuine kind of love
Gözden düşmez ki sevmişiz besbelli
It'll never fall in disgrace, we'll be in love, for certain
Dünya bir yana sen bir yana
You're on one side, the world's on the other
Kim inanır
Who's going to believe in
Sahte hoşçakal bizimkisi
our fake goodbye
Sen aşkın en güzel en saf en sahici hali
You're the most beautiful, pure and genuine kind of love
Gözden düşmez ki sevmişiz besbelli
It'll never fall in disgrace, we'll be in love, for certain
Dünya bir yana sen bir yana
You're on one side, the world's on the other
Kim inanır
Who's going to believe in
Sahte hoşçakal bizimkisi
our fake goodbye

Sevmişiz besbelli
We are obviously in love
Sahte Hoşçakal bizimkisi
our fake goodbye

Sen aşkın en güzel
Your love is the most beautiful
En saf en sahici hali
The purest
Gözden düşmez ki sevmişiz besbelli
It'll never fall in disgrace, we'll be in love, for certain
Dünya bir yana sen bir yana
You're on one side, the world's on the other
Kim inanır sahte hoşçakal bizimkisi
Who's going to believe in our fake goodbye