Hazama Sampai Mati english translation

Hazama Sampai Mati song lyrics
Hazama Sampai Mati translation
Walau bibir merungkapkan kasih
Even when lips says 'love'
Mata merasa yang sebaliknya
The eyes feels the opposite
Wahai jiwa andai kau mampu bicara
Oh heart, if you could talk
Beritahuku isi hatimu
Just tell what do you feel

Dan detak jantungku menahan
And my heartbeats hold
Arah dan jalan
The direction and ways
Agar kita kan bersama
So that we can be together

Andai dunia hancur binasa
Even if the world's in chaos
Ku kan setia sampai mati cintaku
I will be loyal to my love until I die
Takkan berserah
I won't give up
Takkan ku mengalah hingga kau buat diriku
I won't surrender until you make me
Takhta dihati mu
The king of your heart

Ku terlihat
I saw
Lagu dan curiga
Song and doubtness
Diselimutkan satu senyuman
Covered within that one smile
Tanda tanya
Selamanya menghantui
Haunts me forever
Oh apa dirimu mahukan aku
Oh, if you do need me?

Dan biarkan cerita lama
Leave the past behind
Terpadam sudah
Let it be erased
Agar kita kan bersama
So that we can be together

Andai dunia hancur binasa
Even if the world's in chaos
Ku kan setia sampai mati cintaku
I will be loyal to my love until I die
Takkan berserah
I won't give up
Takkan ku mengalah hingga kau buat diriku
I won't surrender until you make me
Takhta dihati mu
The king of your heart

Janganlah sesali perjalanan ini
Don't regret this journey
Adakalanya seakan gelita
Sometimes it gets dark
Setiap saat
Every second
Tabahku berdoa
I prayed adamantly
Cinta kita sampai syurga
For our love to reach heaven

Andai dunia hancur binasa
Even if the world's in chaos
Ku kan setia sampai mati cintaku
I will be loyal to my love until I die
Takkan berserah
I won't give up
Takkan ku mengalah hingga kau buat diriku
I won't surrender until you make me
Takhta dihati mu
The king of your heart

Andai hancur dan binasa
Even if everything's in chaos
Aku kan setia sampai mati cintaku
I will be loyal to my love until I die
I won't
Takkan ku mengalah hingga kau buat diriku
I won't surrender until you make me
Takhta dihati mu
The king of your heart