Hiba Tawaji خلص english translation

Hiba Tawaji خلص song lyrics
Hiba Tawaji خلص translation
خلص لشو نتقاتل . انت وانا مافي حل
let's stop fighting. you and i came undone
خلص لشو نتجادل . كل واحد لحالو يضل
let's stop arguing... let each stay by himself

كل واحد يرسم طريق ويفتش على شي رفيق
let everyone draw a path and parse a friend
فكر وحدك ع روق بكره بتنسى وما بتشتاق
think on your own, patience tomorrow will come and you ll forget and you will not regret

احسن ما نرجع عشاق ساعتها بيرجع الخناق
much better than reuniting and the fight come back
اسمع مني وشفلك شي حل احلالي واحلالك
go find yourself a solution, better for me, better for you

تاما اخطر على بالك احلالي واحلالك
so you won't remember me, better for both of us

خلص ماعاد في سهرات ليلية بنفس المطعم
There won't be any more soirees in the same restaurant
لا تنتظر تطليعات ورقصة معي لا تحلم
don't expect any sights , a dance with me (don't even dream about it)

لا بقى تهديني زهور لا تحاول انك تزور
don't give me flowers anymore, don't try to visit me
المطارح اللي بتعرفنا ماعادت بتعرفنا
the places that know won't recognize us

نسيت حالا ونسيتنا ضاعت وشردتنا
Forget itself and us , Lost and made us homeless
تركني انساني تاتنعم نحنا صرنا المستحيل
Leave me. Forget about me. we're know the impossible

وباقي من العمر القليل
there's only a tiny bit of age left
قصتنا حب ومأساة والمآسي ما بترحم
our story is Love, a disaster. and disasters don't have any mercy