Iamneeta Terima Kasih english translation

Iamneeta Terima Kasih song lyrics
Iamneeta Terima Kasih translation
Tidak pernah ku rasa perasaan yang begini
I've never felt this kind of feel
Tulus tuk mencintaimu
Loving you with sincerity

Semua kerna dirimu ku berubah
I changed because of you
Hidup kini penuh dengan senyuman
My life now full of smile

Oh sayang datanglah ku inginkan dirimu
Oh baby come here to me I want you
Dekatlah padaku ku rindukan pelukmu
Come near to me I miss your hug

Terima kasih atas segalanya
Thank you for everything
Yang telah kau beri amat ku hargai
That you give to me I appriciate it so much
Semua ku simpan di dalam hati
I kept it all in my heart
Penuh riang tawa mesra
Full of laugh and happiness
Terus terukir di hati
Continue to be written in the heart

Siapa sangka kan bahagia
Who knows it will be happy
Bila dulu pernah luka
When we've been hurt before
Cinta datang tak diduga
Love comes without any expectation
Bawa hingga syurga
Bring it along to heaven

Tidak pernah ku rasa perasaan yang begini
I've never felt this kind of feel
Tulus tuk mencintaimu
Loving you with sincerity

Semua kerna dirimu ku berubah
I changed because of you
Hidup kini penuh dengan senyuman
My life now full of smile

Oh sayang datanglah ku inginkan dirimu
Oh baby come here to me I want you
Dekatlah padaku ku rindukan pelukmu
Come near to me I miss your hug
Terima kasih atas segalanya
Thank you for everything
Yang telah kau beri amat ku hargai
That you give to me I appriciate it so much
Semua ku simpan di dalam hati
I kept it all in my heart
Penuh riang tawa mesra
Full of laugh and happiness
Terus terukir di hati
Continue to be written in the heart