In Team Nur Kasih english translation

In Team Nur Kasih song lyrics
In Team Nur Kasih translation
Bagaikan permata di celahan kaca
Like a gem in a glass gap
Kedipnya sukar untuk dibezakan
It is difficult to distinguish
Kepada-Mu Tuhan ku pasrah harapan
To thy lord i surrender hope
Moga tak tersalah pilihan
Hope not mistaken choice

Nur Kasih Mu mendamai di kalbu
The light of your love reconciles in the heart
Jernih setulus tadahan doaku
Clear as sincere as my prayer
Rahmati daku dan permintaanku
Blessed me and my request
Untuk bertemu di dalam restu
To meet in blessing

Kurniakan daku serikandi
Gave me a heroine
Penyejuk di mata penawar di hati
Conditioning in the eyes cures at heart
Di dunia dialah penyeri
In the world she is lighter
Di syurga menanti… dia bidadari
In heaven awaits... she is an angel

Kekasih sejati teman yang berbudi
True lover of a virtuous friend
Kasihnya bukan ketepaksaan
Her love is not compulsion
Bukan jua kerana keduniaan
Not because of any worldly
Mekar hidup disiram Nur Kasih
Blooming life sprinkled with the light of love

Ya Allah…
Dear Allah
Kurniakanlah kami
Grant us
Isteri dan zuriat yang soleh
Wife and a good children
Sebagai penyejuk mata
As an eye conditioner

Kurniakan daku serikandi
Gave me a heroine
Penyejuk di mata penawar di hati
Conditioning in the eyes cures at heart
Di dunia dialah penyeri
In the world she is lighter
Di syuga menanti… dia bidadari
In heaven awaits... she is an angel

Kekasih sejati teman yang berbudi
True lover of a virtuous friend
Kasihnya bukan keterpaksaan
Her love is not compulsion
Bukan jua kerana dunia
Not just for the world
Mekar hidup ini disirami Nur Kasih
Blooming life bathed in the light of love
Di tangan-Mu Tuhan ku sandar impian
In the hands of thy god i docked dreams
Penentu jodoh pertemuan
Determining the match meeting
Seandai dirinya tercipta untukku
If she is created for me
Relaku menjadi miliknya
I would rather be her