Inteam Tragedi Taif english translation

Inteam Tragedi Taif song lyrics
Inteam Tragedi Taif translation
Sayu jiwamu mengenang umatmu
Your soul is crying when think about your people
Menentang kehadiranmu
Who against your presence
Mengalir darah dari tubuhmu
Flowing blood from your body
Terluka dilontar batu
Wounded thrown by stone

Berkatalah malaikat kepadamu
The Angel said to you
Mohonlah dari Tuhanmu
Ask your Lord
Agar bisa ditimpakan mereka
In order to get them
Gunung sebagai balasan
Mountain in return

Lantas kau menadah kedua tangan
Then you holds both of your hands
Bermunajat dengan penuh harapan
Pray with full of hope
Agar diberi hidayah dan keampunan
To be given guidance and forgiveness
Bukanlah azab siksaan
Not the punishment

Sungguh sifatmu tiada tandingannya
Really you are incomparable
Perjuanganmu tak kenal putus asa
Your struggle is not knowing giving up
Kasihkan umatmu tiada taranya
Love for your people are incomparable
Walau hati dan jasadmu terluka
Although your heart and body are hurt

Berkat dari doa yang tulus suci
Thanks to the holiness of sincere prayer
Belas ihsan dari seorang Nabi
The courtesy of a Prophet
Penghuni Taif generasinya kini
Resident of Taif are the generation now
Dilimpahi nur hidayah Ilahi
Who overflowed with the light and divine guidance

Jadikanlah pedoman
Make it as a lesson
Syarat dalam perjuangan
For the requirement in the fight
Keikhlasan dan kesabaran
Sincerity and patience
Mahar yang dipertaruhkan
Mahar at stake

Natijah perjuangan
Result of the fight
ALLAH yang menentukan
Its Allah who decides
Kita sebagai insan
We as human beings
Hanyalah mengusaha...
Just keep trying.