Jamrud Maaf english translation

Jamrud Maaf song lyrics
Jamrud Maaf translation
Sekian lama kau menghindar
Too long you've been away
Sekian banyak kasih terbuang
Too much love (have) been wasted
Meskinya aku sadari dulu
I should've realized at first
Semua ulah dan sikapku
All of my act and attitude
Hu ...aku rindu
Hu... I'm longing
Ku tulis lagu untukmu
I wrote a song for you
Sekedar kata maaf dariku
Just some words of sorry from me
Terserah kau suka atau benci
It's up to you to like (it) or hate (it)
Yang pasti aku terima
That surely I'll accept

Aku masih sayang padamu
I still loving you
Seperti dulu
As before
Dan ku harap kau tahu
And I hope you knew
Ingin ku miliki
I wanted to have
Rasa yang dulu pernah ada
Feelings that ever existed

Maafkan aku atas semua
Forgive me for all (the things)
Yang pernah kita lewati bersama
That we've been through together
Dan tak bahagia
And unhappily
Berilah waktu untukku
Give a time for me
Mengulang kembali
To repeat (it) back
Cita-cita kita yang terhenti
Our ambitions that has stopped

Ku coba lari dan lupakan
I tried to run and forget
Menatap jauh tinggalkan angan
Looking ahead, Leaving (that) thought
Tapi apa yang kerap terjadi
However what usually happen
Bayangmu hadir di sini
Your shadow are (always) present in here
Hu ...aku rindu
Hu... I'm longing

Aku masih sayang padamu
I still loving you
Seperti dulu
As before
Dan ku harap kau tahu
And I hope you knew
Ingin ku miliki
I wanted to have
Rasa yang dulu pernah ada
Feelings that ever existed

Maafkan aku atas semua
Forgive me for all (the things)
Yang pernah kita lewati bersama
That we've been through together
Dan tak bahagia
And unhappily
Berilah waktu untukku
Give a time for me
Mengulang kembali
To repeat (it) back
Cita-cita kita yang terhenti
Our ambitions that has stopped

Maafkan aku atas semua
Forgive me for all (the things)
Yang pernah kita lewati bersama
That we've been through together
Dan tak bahagia
And unhappily
Berilah waktu untukku
Give a time for me
Mengulang kembali
To repeat (it) back
Cita-cita kita yang terhenti
Our ambitions that has stopped