Jo Până Vara Viitoare english translation

Feat Randi
Jo Până Vara Viitoare song lyrics
Jo Până Vara Viitoare translation
Cred ca cine a inventat
I think whoever invented
Dragostea a fost barbat
Love was man
Nu-i usor sa dormi cu dor
It's not easy to sleep with longing
Dragoste, tu, joc ciudat
Love, you, play strange
Mi-ai dat lumea peste cap
You gave me the world upside down
Te urasc, te si ador
I hate you and love you
Sincer, daca te-as prinde, te-as lega
Honestly, if I catch you, I would tie you down
Sa vezi si tu cum e sa fii asa
To see and you like to be like that
Un ochi rade, altul plange
An eye laughs, another cries
Cand s-o am, ea din nou fuge
When I have it, she flees again
Dragoste, nu am rabdare
Love, I can't wait
Pana vara viitoare
Until next summer
Rau cu rau, dar si mai rau
Bad to worse, and worse
Sa nu stiu numele tau
Do not know your name
Dragoste, nu am rabdare
Love, I can't wait
Pana vara viitoare
Until next summer
Te alung si-apoi te chem
I banish and then i call you back
E noroc sau e blestem
It's luck or curse
Tu ma tii sub vraja ta
You keep me under your spell
Zbor cu tine si-apoi cad
Flying with you and then i fall
Tu-mi esti rai, imi esti si iad
You're my heaven, and you're my hell
Imi tii captiva inima
you keep my heart captive
Sincer, daca te-as prinde, te-as lega
Honestly, if I catch you, I would tie you down
Sa vezi si tu cum e sa fii asa
To see and you like to be like that
Un ochi rade, altul plange
An eye laughs, another cries
Cand s-o am, ea din nou fuge
When I have it, she flees again
Dragoste, nu am rabdare
Love, I can't wait
Pana vara viitoare
Until next summer
Rau cu rau, dar si mai rau
Bad to worse, and worse
Sa nu stiu numele tau
Do not know your name
Dragoste, nu am rabdare
Love, I can't wait
Pana vara viitoare
Until next summer
Si nu stiu de ce fug de iubire
And I do not know why run away from love
Apoi, deschid ochii si-o cat in nestire
Then open your eyes and a cat heedlessly
Nu pot trai cu tine, dar nici fara tine
can not live with you, nor without you
Tu vrei sa-mi iei totul din mine
You want to buy me everything of me
Si-apoi sa ma lasi sa strig dupa tine
And then let me cry for you
Oare de ce e rau, cand doare atat de bine
Why it's bad, when it hurts so good
Un ochi rade, altul plange
An eye laughs, another cries
Cand s-o am, ea din nou fuge
When I have it, she flees again
Dragoste, nu am rabdare
Love, I can't wait
Pana vara viitoare
Until next summer
Rau cu rau, dar si mai rau
Bad to worse, and worse
Sa nu stiu numele tau
Do not know your name
Dragoste, nu am rabdare
Love, I can't wait
Pana vara viitoare
Until next summer