Joe Arroyo Tal Para Cual english translation

Joe Arroyo Tal Para Cual song lyrics
Joe Arroyo Tal Para Cual translation
Merci si madame
Thank you so madam
Me acostumbraste a vivir a tu modo
You got used to living your way
yo que nunca fui un ser conforme
I was never a conforming being
me enseñaste a mi una clase de amor
You taught me a love class

con tu experiencia especial
with your special experience
lo comento para que entiendas hoy
I mention it so that you understand today
que yo nunca te he olvidado
that I have never forgotten you

toleré toda tu obsesión
I tolerated all your obsession
tus depresiones y mal humor.
your depressions and bad mood.
Al final yace un maniático amor
In the end lies a maniacal love
otro títere que controles
another puppet that you control

te olvidaste del fantástico amor
you forgot about the fantastic love
que yo te solía brindar
that I used to give you
lo comento para que entiendas hoy
I mention it so that you understand today
que yo nunca te he olvidado
that I have never forgotten you
yo que fui de tu demencia
I was your dementia

tus devaneos e indecisión.
your dalliances and indecision.
Que se ve
What do you see
De tú, a mi modo
From you, in my way
Caprichosa, pechichona, tan linda haciendo el amor
Capricious, pechichona, so cute making love

Que se ve
What do you see
De tú, a mi modo
From you, in my way
En punto, obsesión, con pasión yo la medí
In point, obsession, with passion I measured it
Que se ve
What do you see

De tú, a mi modo
From you, in my way
Y es que está buenísima
And it is very good
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
Calla boca de clavel
Calla mouth of carnation
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
Quiero tenerte otra vez
I want to have you again
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
La vil cubana llamó otra vez
The vile Cuban called again
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
Y le dije
And I told him
Que se ve
What do you see
De tú, a mi modo
From you, in my way
Que se ve
What do you see
De tú, a mi modo
From you, in my way
Caprichosa, pechichona, tan linda haciendo el amor
Capricious, pechichona, so cute making love
Que se ve
What do you see
De tú, a mi modo
From you, in my way
En punto, obsesión, con pasión yo la medí
In point, obsession, with passion I measured it
Que se ve
What do you see
De tú, a mi modo
From you, in my way
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
Calla boca de clavel
Calla mouth of carnation
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
Quiero tenerte otra vez
I want to have you again
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
La vil cubana llamó otra vez
The vile Cuban called again
Uno tal para cual
One such for which
Y le dije
And I told him
Es que está monísima
It is very cute

(Letras transcritas por Diego Vanegas)
(Lyrics transcribed by Diego Vanegas)