José José Ojalá Que Te Mueras english translation

José José Ojalá Que Te Mueras song lyrics
José José Ojalá Que Te Mueras translation
Ojalá que te mueras
I hope you die,
me dijiste esa noche
you said to me that night
y cerraste la puerta
and you closed the door.
que dolor tan inmenso
what an immense pain
que tristesa dejaste
the sadness you left
y nunca mas te vi.
and I never saw you again.

Me quede sin sentido
I was left without sense
por el suelo caido
down on the floor
sin tu amor y sin fuerzas
without your love and forceless
y por hacerte caso
and by following your words
me dispuse a morir.
I was aiming to die

Traté que se hiciera mas grande mi herida
I tried to make my wound bigger
recordarte, primera medida
remembering you, my first move
no me pude morir y enfermé.
I couldn't die and I falled sick.

Busqué como loco una bala perdida
I searched for a strayed bullet
que pudiera quitarme la vida.
that was able to take my life.
Fracasé y aqui estoy otra vez.
I failed and now I'm here again.

Ojalá que te mueras,
I hope you die,
me dijiste esa noche
you said to me that night
y cerraste la puerta.
and you closed the door.
Y no nos dimos cuenta
And we didn't notice
que mi vida no es mia
that my life isn't mine
que yo ya te la dí
because I already gave it to you
Si no me la devuelves
If you don't give it back to me
no me puedo morir.
I can't die

Me quedé sin sentido
I was left without sense
por el suelo caido
down on the floor
sin tu amor y sin fuerzaz
without your love and forceless
y por hacerte caso
and by following your words
me dispuse a morir.
I was aiming to die

Trate que se hiciera mas grande mi herida
I tried to make my wound bigger
recordarte, primera medida.
remembering you, my first move
No me pude morir y enfermé.
I couldn't die and I falled sick.

Busqué como loco una bala perdida
I searched for a strayed bullet
que pudiera quitarme la vida.
that was able to take my life.
Fracasé y aqui estoy otra vez.
I failed and now I'm here again.

Ojalá que te mueras
I hope you die,
me dijiste esa noche
you said to me that night
y cerraste la puerta.
and you closed the door.
Y no nos dimos cuenta
And we didn't notice
que mi vida no es mia
that my life isn't mine
que yo ya te la di.
because I already gave it to you.
Si no me la devuelves
If you don't give it back to me
no me puedo morir.
I can't die