Joyous Celebration Kuligugu Kimi english translation

Joyous Celebration Kuligugu Kimi song lyrics
Joyous Celebration Kuligugu Kimi translation
Kuligugu kimina njalo
It brings joy to me
Ukwaz' ukuthi nginomhlobo
to know that i have a friend
Ongek' angishiy' um' izinsuku zinzima
who'd never forsake me when it gets tough
Ohlal' ekhona uma ngimdinga ngempela
who is always around when I need Him the most

Umhlobo onguJesu
A friend who Is Jesus
Umhlobo onguJesu
A friend who Is Jesus

Jesu ungumhlobo wangempela
Jesus is the real friend
Lapho abantu bengijikela
when people have forsaken you
Izivunguvungu zizintlangothi zonke
When trouble comes from all ends
Lapho izitha zibhodla
when the enemies roar
like a lion
Ziqond' ukungigwinya
wanting to swallow me

Uthembisile Jesu
Jesus has promised
Uyohlal' unami njalo nje
to always be with me


Uphi umhlobo onjengaye?
where's a friend like Him?
Akajiki uhlal' ekhona
He does not change, he is ever present
Uthembekile unothando lwaphakade
He is trustworthy and his love is eternal
Thando lwakhe lujulile lubanzi
His love is deep and wide

Uthembisile Jesu
Jesus has promised
Uyohlal' unami njalo nje
to always be with me
