Kalimba Estrellas Rotas english translation

Kalimba Estrellas Rotas song lyrics
Kalimba Estrellas Rotas translation
Hoy despertando el corazon grita que no estoy yendo a ninguna parte
Today waking up the heart screams that I'm not going anywhere
junta pedazos de un amor como un rompecabezas que me dejaste
Pieces of love like a puzzle that you left me

jugue a pedirle al tiempo libertad
Play to ask freedom time
pero el al darse cuenta que no estan
But when he realizes that they are not
me obligo a buscarte
I forced myself to look for you
donde quiera que estes ya no avances mas
Wherever you are you do not go any further

si puedes esperar yo correre para alcanzarte
If you can wait i will run to reach you
donde quiera que estes guarda mi lugar
Wherever you are, you keep my place
yo voy a reparar estrellas rotas solo esperame
I'm going to repair broken stars just wait ...
puse mi mundo a girar dejando en pausa sueños que regalaste
I put my world to spin, pausing dreams you gave away
estuve a un paso de olvidar estuve a un segundo de nunca mas pensarte
I was a step away from forgetting I was a second away from never thinking you

Y de repente el terco corazon volvio a ponerte en mi imaginacion
And suddenly the stubborn heart returns to put you in my imagination
y me obligo a buscarte
And makes me look for you
donde quiera que estes ya no avances mas
Wherever you are you do not go any further
si puedes esperar yo correre para alcanzarte
If you can wait i will run to reach you
donde quiera que estes guarda mi lugar
Wherever you are, you keep my place
yo voy a reparar estrellas rotas solo esperame
I'm going to repair broken stars just wait ...
Cuando la esperanza se quedo sin nada y sin fuerza para respirar
When hope was left with nothing and no strength to breathe
pude ver que eras luz en la tormenta este amor es electricidad
I could see that you were light in the storm this love is electricity
donde quiera que estes ya no avances mas
Wherever you are you do not go any further
si puedes esperar yo correre para alcanzarte
If you can wait i will run to reach you
donde quiera que estes guarda mi lugar
Wherever you are, you keep my place
yo voy a reparar estrellas rotas solo esperame...
I'm going to repair broken stars just wait ...