Ken-Y Nos Olvidamos english translation

Ken-Y Nos Olvidamos song lyrics
Ken-Y Nos Olvidamos translation
Aun tengo el sabor
I still have the taste
de tu piel em mi boca y tus manos arañandome la espalda
Of your skin on my mouth and your hands scratching my back
Aún respiro ese olor, que dejaste en mi cama.
I still breathe that smell, that you left in my bed.
aquella noche en que tu y yo
That night when you and me
Nos olvidamos que tu eres prohibida
We forget that you are prohibited
Nos embriagamos de placer hasta perder la razón
We get drunk with pleasure until we lose our reason
Y no hay culpables son cosas de la vida,
And there are no guilty are things of life
Culpemos con las ganas
We blame with the desire
Esas que yo te tenía y tu me tenias.
Those that I had you and you had me.

Nos olvidamos que tu eres prohibida
We forget that you are prohibited
Nos embriagamos de placer hasta perder la razón
We get drunk with pleasure until we lose our reason
Y no hay culpables son cosas de la vida,
And there are no guilty are things of life
Culpemos con las ganas
We blame with the desire
Esas que yo te tenía y tu me tenias
Those that I had you and you had me.

si yo te gusto, tu me gustas
If you like me you like me
entonces vamos amarnos a ciegas.
Then we will love each other blindly.
dame todo lo que me gusta, a mi todo me gusta de tiii
Give me everything I like, my everything I like about tiii
vas y te entregas
You go and you give
se caí como caíste en brazos míos
I fell like you fell in my arms
yo perdí, ganandome esos besos tuyos
I lost, winning those kisses of yours
y cuando lo haces me llenas, esta locura me llena.
And when you do, you fill me, this madness fills me.
y yo no se lo que nos pasó
And I do not know what happened to us
sólo se que tu y yo oh oh.
I just know that you and me oh oh.

Nos olvidamos que tu eres prohibida
We forget that you are prohibited
Nos embriagamos de placer hasta perder la razón
We get drunk with pleasure until we lose our reason
Y no hay culpables son cosas de la vida
And there are no guilty are things of life
Culpemos con las ganas
We blame with the desire
Esas que yo te tenía y tu me tenias
Those that I had you and you had me.
Se que vas hacer bebé.
I know you're going to baby.
Si yo quiero otra noche escápate mujer,
If I want another night, escape, woman.
Entrégate otra vez
Surrender again
Y déjalo durmiendo,
And let him sleep
Que sueñe que eres de él,
Dream that you are his
Mientras te voy comiendo,
While I'm eating you
Como la última Vez uhhh
Like the last time uhhh
Como la última vez...
Like last time...
Aquélla noche en que tu y yo
That night when you and I
Nos olvidamos que tu eres prohibida
We forget that you are prohibited
Nos embriagamos de placer hasta perder la razón,
We get drunk with pleasure until we lose our reason
Y no hay culpables son cosas de la vida,
And there are no guilty are things of life
Culpemos con las ganas,
We blame with the desire
Esas que yo te tenía y tu me tenias.
Those that I had you and you had me.

ken- y

The King Of romance!!
el rey del romance