Kenshi Yonezu Cinderella Gray english translation

Kenshi Yonezu Cinderella Gray song lyrics
Kenshi Yonezu Cinderella Gray translation
Hey, why is it that you make such a fool of me this way,
Trying to give me kindness and consolation?
Every time you do, miserable thoughts bubble up;
Don't you get how worthless it makes me feel?

I can walk around a town filled with all these colors,
色づかないあたしは灰色 どこへ行けばいいの?
But I'm uncolored, I'm gray, so where should I go?
You can say I should live how I want to,
知っている筈なのにさ 忘れちゃうんだいつもいつもいつも
But while I should know that, I just forget it, always, always, always...

The things I don't even want to remember will never fade away
ぐしゃぐしゃの頭の中 一つも整理がつかずに
In my jumbled head, where I can't sort anything out,
I remembered them again...

怖かったのに 辛かったのに 誰も信じてくれなかったのに
Though I was scared, though it hurt, though nobody would believe me,
あなただけが その声だけが いつでも笑いかけてくれたのに
You alone, your voice alone, had always smiled for me...

The pumpkin carriage, the glass slippers, they didn't fit me,
Just happening to be there in uneventful days
This world is so brilliant, it just dizzies me,
As if making insinuations about colorless me...

That's enough, I don't care at all about how it'll turn out
あなたのこと あたしのこと これからの全ても
About you, about me, about everything to come
"My darling Prince, live for my sake," I wanted to say,
言えなかった あの日の自分が嫌い嫌い嫌い
But for not saying it that day, I hate, hate, hate me...

I don't even want the freedom to feel like I can go anywhere
あなたという不自由だけが あたしを自由にしていたんだって
The sole inconvenience that was you was keeping me free
That, I've now realized...

痛む心 癒えないのは 無様なほどに期待してるから
My aching heart won't heal, because I'm shamefully hoping
あなただけに その声だけに 優しくされたかっただけだったのに
I just wanted you alone, your voice alone, to be kind to me, that's all...

「愛は永遠」って 誰かの誰かの誰かが言った
"Love is forever," said somebody to somebody to somebody
それがもし本当なら いつまで苦しめばいいの?
If that's really true, then how long will I have to suffer?
12時を越えて ずっと消えないものがあるなんて
Even after midnight's passed, some things will just never vanish;
お願いよ もう消して 消して 消して 消して
I'm begging you, begone, gone, gone, gone...!
怖かったのに 辛かったのに 誰も信じてくれなかったのに
Though I was scared, though it hurt, though nobody would believe me,
あなただけが その声だけが いつでも笑いかけてくれたのに
You alone, your voice alone, had always smiled for me...
痛む心 癒えないのは 無様なほどに期待してるから
My aching heart won't heal, because I'm shamefully hoping
あなただけに その声だけに 優しくされたかっただけだったのに
I just wanted you alone, your voice alone, to be kind to me, that's all...