Kenshi Yonezu Wooden Doll english translation

Kenshi Yonezu Wooden Doll song lyrics
Kenshi Yonezu Wooden Doll translation
さあ、心の向こうへ行こうぜ チンドン屋の行列に絡まって
Now, let's go beyond the heart, mixing with the marching band procession
もう、ありとあらゆる不幸を 吸い込んだような顔してないで
Please, don't make that face, like you're sucking up every sorrow there is

ああ、恐ろしいことばっかだ 楽しむことさえもそう
Ah, it's nothing but dread, even with the fun things
もう、後になって思い出に ぶん殴られるのが嫌なんだ
Please, I don't like to see you beat up by memories that have passed...

Just how much pain do despair and resignation bring?
他の誰かにわからない あなただけが正しさを持っている
Nobody else would understand; only you know what's right for you...

ちゃんと話してよ 大きな声で さあ目を開いて わっはっはは
Make sure to speak, as loud as you can; now open your eyes - wah-hah-haha!
自分嫌いのあなたのことを 愛する僕も嫌いなの?
I love you even when you hate yourself - do you hate me, too?
いつだってそうだ 心臓の奥で 誰彼彼も見下しては
It's always this way; deep in their hearts, everyone looks down on others,
見下される恐ろしさに 苛まれて動けずに
Paralyzed by the fear of being looked down upon...

もう、黙り込んだ方がお得だ 否定されるくらいなら
Please, it's best to say no more, if you're going to be denied
その内に気づくんだ 何も言えない自分に
You'll notice it soon, in your silent self...

As much as you distrust affection and friendship,
一方的に与えられて あなたが決められるものじゃないや
They're not things you give all by yourself, nor decide alone...

ちゃんと笑ってよ カウチにかけて お腹抱えて わっはっはは
Make sure to laugh; lie on the couch, hold your belly - wah-hah-haha!
そんな寂しいこと言わないでよ さも知ったげにも俯いてさ
Don't speak of such loneliness - even acting like I know makes you hang your head
真っ赤っかな嘘 撒き散らしては 嘘に嘘つき塗り重ね
Scatter bright red lies, paint a coat of lies over those lies
どうにもならず追い込まれて 傷つく前に逃げ出して
When you're cornered with nothing you can do, run before you're hurt...

You're not as awful as you think;
Certainly sometimes, it must be someone else's fault
I won't say to stop wishing pain on others
That's just another part of you...
But you see, you're only looking at what you've lost,
Yet have you counted what you've been given?
忘れてしまったなら 無理にでも思い出して
If you've forgotten, then make yourself remember
If you don't, I'll be so sad...

ちゃんと話してよ 大きな声で さあ目を開いて わっはっはは
Make sure to speak, as loud as you can; now open your eyes - wah-hah-haha!
自分嫌いのあなたのことを 愛する僕も嫌いなの?
I love you even when you hate yourself - do you hate me, too?
いつだってそうだ 心臓の奥で 誰彼彼も見下しては
It's always this way; deep in their hearts, everyone looks down on others,
Paralyzed by the fear of being looked down upon...

Before you cry that "it isn't anywhere,"
Make sure to look at me, right in front of you...