Kerispatih Tetap Mengerti english translation

Kerispatih Tetap Mengerti song lyrics
Kerispatih Tetap Mengerti translation
Semua terasa salah
everything feels wrong
Semua terasa hina
everything felt humiliating
Ketika rasa itu tak bisa lepas
when that feelings cannot away
Dari diri yang tlah terhempas
from this self who had been thrown away

Cinta jadi suatu yang jauh dari artinya
love became something that far from its meaning
Memberi walau harus tak diberi
giving even though not be given
Menerima meski tak diterima
accepting even though not accepted
Lihatlah aku di sini
look at me here
Haruskah ini terjadi
must these happens?

Lakukanlah sampai engkau puas
do it until you satisfied
Cari saja apa yang hatimu mau
seek what your heart desired
Sampai kapanpun aku
I, until whenever ends
Selalu mencoba untuk mengerti
will always try to understand

Teruskanlah hingga engkau jera
keep it until you regret it
Dustai dan khianati lukai hatiku
lying and betraying, hurt my heart
Meski lautan air mataku mengering
even if the sea of my tears dried up
Ku coba tetap mengerti
I'll try to understand

Lihatlah aku di sini
look at me here
Haruskah ini terjadi Wowoo
must these happens? oooo

Lakukanlah sampai engkau puas
do it until you satisfied
Cari saja apa yang hatimu mau
seek what your heart desired
Sampai kapanpun aku
I, until whenever ends
Selalu mencoba untuk mengerti
will always try to understand
Teruskanlah hingga engkau jera
keep it until you regret it
Dustai dan khianati lukai hatiku
lying and betraying, hurt my heart
Meski lautan air mataku mengering
even if the sea of my tears dried up
Ku coba, ku coba tetap mengerti
I'll try, I'll try to understand