Lo Mis Huus dis Huus english translation

Lo Mis Huus dis Huus song lyrics
Lo Mis Huus dis Huus translation
Mis Härz isch es Hotel
My heart is a hotel
Uh yeh yeah
Uh yeah yeah
Uh yeh yeah
Uh yeah yeah

Dr Portier pennt i dr Lobby i däm Fauteuil
The bellboy sleeps in the lobby in that armchair
Dr Ventilator summet lisli
The fan hums quietly
E Theke us Houz u druf sones Glöggli
A wooden counter and on it that kind of bell
Doch wenn du lütisch, de chunnt glich niemer
But when you ring it, still nobody comes
Lug i däm Huus, da zahlt niemer Mieti
Look in that home, nobody pays rent
Paar gueti Mönsche, wo sit Jahre hie sy
Some good humans, that have been here for years
U süsch sy villi cho, doch vo dene weni blibe
Otherwise many came, but of those little stayed
U vo dene wo gö, chunnt oh fasch kene wider
And of those who go, almost nobody comes back
U nächer nachem Zimmerputze tüeh mer so
And then after cleaning the rooms we act like
Aus hätti hie niemaus vorhär öpper gwohnt
As if nobody ever lived here before
Aber du bisch dir ds gwohnt
But you are used to this
Das d Duschi chaut isch, d Tapete aut isch
That the shower is cold, the tapestry is old
D Türe isch off, mis Huus dis Huus
The door is open, my home your home

Mis Härz isch es Hotel
My heart is a hotel
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Oh we mir üs sit Jahre nie ghört hei
Even though we haven't heard from each other in years
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Wi mängisch du di hesch beschwärt, ds weiss i nümm
How often you've complained, i don't remember
Abr trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ, trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ
But after everything you still call me your friend, you still call me your friend
U drum sägi dir:
And that's why I tell you:
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home

Lug ds Huus erschint nid uf dr erste Site, we du Hotel ihgisch
Look that house doesn't pop up on the first page if you type 'hotel'
D'Yygangshaue wine Lo&Leduc-Song
The entrance hall like a Lo&Leduc-song
Wüu du sofort dänksch, früecher ischs mau besser gsi
'Cause you immediately think, it's been better in the past
Aber schiss uf di Reception
But don't give a shit about that reception
Viu wo wichtig sy, sy nid ersch gester cho
A lot of those who are important, didn't only come yesterday
U glich fröii mi immer über Nöii
But at the same time I'm excited about new ones
Chömet gli wider, merci für öii Tröii
Come back soon, thank you for your loyalty
U sorry, ds's aube chli luut isch
And sorry, that it's a bit loud at times
Sorry isch ds Wlan widr mau off
Sorry that the w-lan is off again
Das ds Zmorge chli nüt isch
That breakfast is a little bit of nothing
Ds niemer chunnt, we du hie lütisch
That nobody answers if you ring here
D Türe isch off, mis Huus dis Huus
The door is open, my home your home

Mis Härz isch es Hotel
My heart is a hotel
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Oh we mir üs sit Jahre nie ghört hei
Even though we haven't heard from each other in years
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Wi mängisch du di hesch beschwärt, ds weiss i nümm
How often you've complained, i don't remember
Abr trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ, trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ
But after everything you still call me your friend, you still call me your friend
U drum sägi dir:
And that's why I tell you:
Mis Härz isch es Hotel
My heart is a hotel
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Oh we mir üs sit Jahre nid ghört hei
Even though we haven't heard from each other in years
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
U wi mängisch du di hesch beschwärt, ds weiss i nümm
How often you've complained, i don't remember
Abr trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ, trotz auem sägi dir:
But after everything you still call me your friend, after everything i tell you:
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home

Klar isches immer haub läär
Sure, it's always half empty
Und au dänke, i sig e chli allei
And everyone thinks, I'm a little bit alone
Aber i bhaute gärn i dene aute Wänd für immer es Zimmer für di frei
But i like to keep, in those old walls, forever, an empty room for you
Klar isches immer haub läär
Sure, it's always half empty
Und aui dänke, i sig e chli allei
And everyone thinks, I'm a little bit alone
Aber i bhaute gärn i dene aute Wänd für immer es Zimmer für di frei
But i like to keep, in those old walls, forever, an empty room for you

Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home

Mis Härz isch es Hotel
My heart is a hotel
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Oh we mir üs sit Jahre nie ghört hei
Even though we haven't heard from each other in years
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Wi mängisch du di hesch beschwärt, ds weiss i nümm
How often you've complained, i don't remember
Abr trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ, abr trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ
But after everything you still call me your friend, you still call me your friend
U drum sägi dir
And that's why I tell you:
Mis Härz isch es Hotel
My heart is a hotel
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Oh we mir üs sit Jahre nie ghört hei
Even though we haven't heard from each other in years
Mis Huus dis Huus
My home your home
Wi mängisch du di hesch beschwärt, ds weiss i nümm
How often you've complained, i don't remember
Abr trotz auem seisch du mir Fründ
But after everything you still call me your friend
Trotz auem sägi dir
After everything i I tell you