Lora Draga english translation

Lora Draga song lyrics
Lora Draga translation
Spune-mi mie cate mie
Tell me how millions
Sunt ca mine-n galaxie
Are like me in galaxy
Cine stie daca stie
Who knows if they know
Poate iti spune si tie
Maybe they will tell you too
Ca nu-i alta-n lumea intreaga
That is not other in the entire world
Sa te asculte, sa-nteleaga
To listen you, to understand you
Daca te intrebi vreodata
If you're asking sometimes
De ce oare iti sunt
Why i am
Draga dighida, esti inima mea
Dear, you are my heart
Si cat te iubeste stie numai ea
And how much it loves you only her knows
Draga dighida da, da nu te mai juca
Dear dighida yeah, yeah stop playing
Da-mi inima ta si-o sa vezi ce fac cu ea
Give me your heart and you will see what i'll do to it
Ajutor fetelor
Help girls
E si inger si dracusor
He is angel and devil
Amator de amor
Amor amateur
Baiatul asta imi place de mor
I like this guy so damn much
Ajutor fetelor
Help girls
E si inger si dracusor
He is angel and devil
Amator de amor
Amor amateur
Baiatul asta imi place de mor
I like this guy so damn much
Spune-mi mie cate mie
Tell me how millions
Sunt ca mine-n galaxie
Are like me in galaxy
Cine stie daca stie
Who knows if they know
Poate iti spune si tie
Maybe they will tell you too
Ca nu-i alta-n lumea intreaga
That is not other in the entire world
Sa te asculte, sa-nteleaga
To listen you, to understand you
Daca te intrebi vreodata
If you're asking sometimes
De ce oare iti sunt
Why i am
Draga dighida, esti inima mea
Dear, you are my heart
Si cat te iubeste stie numai ea
And how much it loves you only her knows
Draga dighida da, da nu te mai juca
Dear dighida yeah, yeah stop playing
Da-mi inima ta si-o sa vezi ce fac cu ea
Give me your heart and you will see what i'll do to it
Ajutor fetelor
Help girls
E si inger si dracusor
He is angel and devil
Amator de amor
Amor amateur
Baiatul asta imi place de mor
I like this guy so damn much
Ajutor fetelor
Help girls
E si inger si dracusor
He is angel and devil
Amator de amor
Amor amateur
Baiatul asta imi place de mor
I like this guy so damn much
Ma iubeste, nu ma iubeste
He loves me, he dont loves me
Dar sigur ma doreste
But im sure he wants me
Vad asta in ochii lui
I see this in his eyes
Cand vorbeste, cand zambeste
When he speaks, when he smiles
Si de-asta nu mi-e teama
And thats why im not afraid
Ca n-o sa fie drama
That there will be no drama
Il fac eu sa-nteleaga
I'll make him to understand
De ce-s doar una si-i sunt draga
Why im only one and he likes me
Dar stiu ca tie-ti pasa
But i know you care
Si nu ma prinzi in plasa
And you're not catching me
Asa cum faci cu atatea fete
How you do with so many girls
Sa ma faci geloasa
To make me jealous
Dar eu stiu ca sunt aleasa
But i know that im the one
Doar sunt fata de casa
Im homed girl
Am invatat de mult sa nu fiu
I've learned long time ago to be
Doar una frumoasa
Just a beautiful one
Ajutor fetelor
Help girls
E si inger si dracusor
He is angel and devil
Amator de amor
Amor amateur
Baiatul asta imi place de mor
I like this guy so damn much
Ajutor fetelor
Help girls
E si inger si dracusor
He is angel and devil
Amator de amor
Amor amateur
Baiatul asta imi place de mor
I like this guy so damn much