Los Amigos Invisibles Mentiras english translation

Los Amigos Invisibles Mentiras song lyrics
Los Amigos Invisibles Mentiras translation
Esas son puras mentiras
Those are all lies
Esa noche yo no andaba allí
That night i was not there
Debes estar confundida
You must be confused
O habia un tipo igualito a mi
Or there was a guy who looked like me

Esas son puras mentiras
Those are all lies
Esa noche yo no andaba allí
That night i was not there
Debes estar confundida
You must be confused
O habia un tipo igualito a mi
Or there was a guy who looked like me

Te cuentan que me vieron
They tell you that they saw me
Paseando en la ciudad,
Walking in the city
Con una ropa fina,
With a fancy clothes
Y con cara de galán
And with my stud face on
Mirando a todas la chicas pasar frente a mi,
watching all the girls pass in front of me
Pero eso es imposible yo nunca estube allí
but that is impossible i was never there

Cuando no estas conmigo
When you are not with me
Yo me porto bien,
I behave well
Me quedo encerrado
I stay locked up
Viendo la tv,
watching TV
No salgo ni a la esquina
I don't even go out to the corner
Ni hablo con mi vecina,
Nor I don't speak with my neighbor
Aun que no te lo niego
Though I do not deny
Sigue estando divina.
she continues to be divine

Esas son puras mentiras
Those are all lies
Esa noche yo no andaba allí
That night i was not there
Debes estar confundida
You must be confused
O habia un tipo igualito a mi
Or there was a guy who looked like me

Esas son puras mentiras
Those are all lies
Esa noche yo no andaba allí
That night i was not there
Debes estar confundida
You must be confused
O habia un tipo igualito a mi
Or there was a guy who looked like me

Me dices que me viste en una página web,
You tell me that see me on a website
Con dos jevas al lado
With two jevas next to me
Y una birra tambien,
and a beer also
Que estaba muy contento
That I was very happy
Y como distraido,
and distracted
Te juro yo a esa hora
I swear to you at that time
Estaba mas que dormido,
I was more than asleep
No se de que me hablas
I don't know what you are talking about
Yo no se qué pasa,
I don't know what's happening
Tu siempre por ahi, yo tranquilo en mi casa,
You always out there, I still in my house
Leyéndome unos libros, pa' poder comprender
reading books, to try and comprehend
Como debo tratarte y entenderte mujer
how should i treat you and understan you woman

Esas son puras mentiras
Those are all lies
Esa noche yo no andaba allí
That night i was not there
Debes estar confundida
You must be confused
O habia un tipo igualito a mi
Or there was a guy who looked like me

Mentira mira mira mira
Lies, look look look

Esas son puras mentiras
Those are all lies
Esa noche yo no andaba allí
That night i was not there
Debes estar confundida
You must be confused
O habia un tipo igualito a mi
Or there was a guy who looked like me

Esas son puras mentiras
Those are all lies
Esa noche yo no andaba allí
That night i was not there
Debes estar confundida
You must be confused
O habia un tipo igualito a mi
Or there was a guy who looked like me