Los Cafres Loco english translation

Los Cafres Loco song lyrics
Los Cafres Loco translation
Arrimo mi voz
I lower my voice
Y parece que no hay nada que contar
And find that there is nothing to tell
El coyote nos comió, el bolsillo se agujereó
The coyote ate us, the pocket was pierced
La balada para un loco se escuchó
The ballad for a fool was heard

Arrimo canción
I'll take song
Y la fiesta de la gente cantará
And the party of the people will sing
El fuelle suspiró, el bombo amaneció
The bellow whispers, the drum dawns
La esquina, la vereda se inundó
The block, the village had a flood

Loco sin remedio
Fool without remedy
Ya ni el mundo te gira
Already not even the world moves you
Loco sin consuelo
Fool without comfort

Loco sin remedio
Fool without remedy
Ya ni el mundo te gira
Already not even the world moves you
Loco sin consuelo
Fool without comfort

Arrimo mi sol
I bring my sun closer
Y el invierno de la mente cambiará
And the winter of the mind will be changed
No importa lo que sos, renace la ilusión
It is not important what you are, the illusion is reborn
Aunque el mundo ande mudo y solo
Although this world walks mutely and alone

La carroza del loco se va
The chariot of the fool is going
Con lunas y soles
With moons and suns
Y promesas de amores
And promises of loves
Y todo lo que quiera puede imaginar
And all that you can imagine
Y las penas olvidar
And the forgotten penalties

La carroza del loco se va
The chariot of the fool is going

Loco sin remedio
Fool without remedy
Ya ni el mundo te gira
Already not even the world moves you
Loco sin consuelo
Fool without comfort

Loco sin remedio
Fool without remedy
Ya ni el mundo te gira
Already not even the world moves you
Loco sin consuelo
Fool without comfort

Loco sin remedio
Fool without remedy
Loco sin consuelo
Fool without comfort
Loco sin remedio
Fool without remedy
Loco sin consuelo
Fool without comfort

Con lunas y soles
With moons and suns