Los Daniels Quisiera saber english translation

Los Daniels Quisiera saber song lyrics
Los Daniels Quisiera saber translation
Quisiera saber que seria ser tú,
i would like to know what is like to be you.
Saber lo que ves cuando me miras.
know what you see when you're looking at me
Si pudiera actuar mi modo hacia ti,
if i could act my way towards you
Y cambiar la expresión que expulsas.
and change the expression that you give

Quisiera saber si eres tú,
i would like to know what is like to be you
Saber se te das cuenta
know if you realize
Existo todavía.
i still exist

Aunque estés aquí no te dejas ver,
tho you are here you dont show yourself
No sabes que me he quedado solo.
you dont know that i was left alone
Aumenta la velocidad.
the velocity incresses

Quisiera saber si eres tú,
i would like to know what is like to be you
Saber se te das cuenta
know if you realize
Existo todavía.
i still exist
Quisiera saber si eres tú,
i would like to know what is like to be you
Solo tu cuerpo sigue aquí,
only your body remains here
Esperando por ti...
waiting for you

Quisiera saber que seria ser tú
i would like to know what is like to be you.
Y porqué me volvi tu infierno.
and why i became your hell
Si pudiera hacerte volver
if i could make you come back
No siempre es imposible.
is not always imposible

Quisiera saber si eres tú,
i would like to know what is like to be you
Saber se te das cuenta, existo todavía.
know if you realize, i am still here
Quisiera saber si eres tú,
i would like to know what is like to be you
Solo tu cuerpo sigue aquí,
only your body remains here
Esperando por ti...
waiting for you