Maaya Sakamoto Million Clouds english translation

Maaya Sakamoto Million Clouds song lyrics
Maaya Sakamoto Million Clouds translation
つま先からちょっとずつ生まれ変わってく気分 名前はまだない
This feeling that is beginning to flow little by little from the tips of my feet….I don't have a name for it yet
始まった物語 最初の1ページには 風の中に立つ人が
(The person who) is standing in the wind in the first page of this story that is just starting

ああ 夏草の匂い 湿った空気と 打ち寄せる波の音
The fragrance of summer grass, the humid weather and the sound of the waves on the shore
ああ この海が何とつながってるのか 考えているの
I wonder to what this ocean is connected to

美しい世界は遠くにあると思った 船を待つ人魚のように
I believed that there is a beautiful world far away like the mermaids who wait for ships
生まれて初めて ここがそうだと気がついた 今
Now, for the first time, I've realised that, that beautiful place is here

想像と違ったこと 間違えてわかったこと 戸惑ってばかり
Things that turned out different from how I imagined them, things I understood only after making mistakes and only being perplexed
ひらめきが羽ばたいて 耳元をくすぐった 今すぐ試してみたい
The flag fluttered and tickled my ear…I want to try it out right now

ああ 説明できない感情が胸をあたためていくわ
A feeling that I cannot explain is warming up my heart
ああ ささやかな願い 私も誰かの光になれたら
My small wish…(I wonder if) I too, could become someone's light

I have to do the things that can be done only now
Pushing my way through thousands of clouds
駆け上がる気持ち こんな私がいたなんて知らなかった
These rising feelings….I didn't know that I had such a person inside me

影を落として飛ぶ鳥 歌うような陽射し 水面へとのぼる息吹
The soaring birds that leave a shadow the sunlight that seems to sing and (my) breath that rises up to the surface of the water
画面の中じゃない この目で見た世界を信じる
I believe in this scenery that I saw with my own eyes and not on a screen

I have to do the things that can be done only now
Pushing my way through thousands of clouds
駆け上がる気持ち こんな私がいたなんて
These rising feelings….To think that I had such a person inside me

つま先からちょっとずつ生まれ変わってく気分 名前はまだない
This feeling that is beginning to flow little by little from the tips of my feet….I don't have a name for it yet
始まった物語 最初の1ページには 風の中に立つ私がいる
Standing in the wind in the first page of this story that is just starting…I'm there