Macaco Coincidir english translation

Macaco Coincidir song lyrics
Macaco Coincidir translation
Hay historias de amor que nunca terminan
There's love stories that never end
Que se esconden tras la vuelta de tu esquina
That hide at your corner
Que bailan sobre un solo pie
That dance on just one foot
Que reman con un remo, que beben sin sed
That row with a rowing, that drink without thirstiness
Hay espacio, hay dolor, hay deseo
There's space, pain, desire
Corazones en el aire llenos de agujero
Hearts full of holes in the air

Hay besos compartidos
There're shared kisses
Robados, elegidos
Stolen, chosen
Mil señales de humo entre amantes perdidos
Thousand of smoke signals between lost lovers
Amores de un rato, sin tiempo ni trato
A-while lovers, no time or coexistence
Leyes de gravedad sin caída
Gravity laws without fallings
Cicatrices sin herida, despedidas
Scars without wounds, goodbyes,
Que suelen caminar por la misma avenida
That used to walk on same avenue

Hay tanto a elegir
There's so much to choose
Y tú y yo aquel día coincidir
And you and me, that day, to match
Coincidir, coincidir
Match, match

Era tu historia
It was your story
Se cruzó con la mía
That met mine
Tanta gente, tanta gente hay fuera
So many people out there
Y coincidir aquel día
And we both match that day
Era tu historia
It was your story
Se cruzó con la mía
That met mine
Tanta gente, tanta gente hay fuera
So many people out there
Y coincidir aquel día
And we both match that day
To match,

Hay historias al borde del precipicio
There's stories on the edge of the pit
Que se buscan en los baúles de un principio
That search each other in the chests of a beginning
Hay noches sin sofocos
There's nights withous breathless
Lágrimas sin princesas, ni espejos rotos
Tears without princesses or broken mirrors
Hay revoluciones entre corazones
There's revolutions between hearts
Partidas de dos labios sin peones
Chess matches of two lips with any pawns

Sudores, tentaciones
Sweats, temptations
Citas sin flores
Dates without flowers
Llenas de pasiones sobre parques congelados
Full of pasions over frozen parks
De mirones, entre neones
Of sneak-peekers betweens neon lights
Amores platónicos conformes
Resigned crushes
Camas sin treguas, sin confesiones
Beds with no peace or confessions
Soldados del amor sin fusiles
Love soldiers with any guns
Que apuntan a dianas de corazones sensibles
Who are aiming to heart bull's-eyes

Tanto a elegir
So much to choose
Y tú y yo aquel día coincidir
And you and me, that day, to match
Coincidir, coincidir
Match, match

Era tu historia
It was your story
Se cruzó con la mía
That met mine
Tanta gente, tanta gente hay fuera
So many people out there
Y coincidir aquel día
And we both match that day
Era tu historia
It was your story
Se cruzó con la mía
That met mine
Tanta gente, tanta gente hay fuera
So many people out there
Y coincidir aquel día
And we both match that day

Hay historias de amantes en las trincheras
There're lover stories in trenches
Que luchan en la batalla diaria de esta ciencia incierta
Who fight in the daily battle of this uncertain science
Buscando algún hueco, de algún corazón abierto
Looking for some hole, in an open heart
Buscando amor
Searching for love

Hey, óyeme
Hey, listen to me
Tan solo tú y yo
Only you and me
Tan solo tú y yo, eh
Only you and I, eh
Coincidir hoy, eh
Match today, eh
Hey, óyeme
Hey, listen to me
Tan sólo tú y yo
Only you and me
Tan sólo tú y yo, eh
Only you and I, eh
Coincidir hoy, eh
Match today, eh

Coincidir, coincidir
Match, match