Marpo Emma english translation

Feat Uncle Ryan
Marpo Emma song lyrics
Marpo Emma translation
Řekni mi kolikrát se ti může stát,
Tell me how many times you might happen
že se ráno probudíš a máš chuť fakt vstát,
That you wake up in the morning and you really want to get up
že se podíváš a jak se usmívá
That you look and how she smiles
to tě donutí svý hodnoty pak jinak brát,
It will force you to take your own value
mě se změnil svět jen tak na pohled,
The world has changed for me, just to look at you
když jsem tě viděl poprvý tak jsem ztratil dech,
When I saw you for the first time, so I lost my breath
když jsem tě držel v náručí tak se spustil brek,
When I held you in my arms, so the weep started
doktor mi řikal to si počkejte až v pubertě,
The doctor told me - wait until puberty
jsem hrdej táta řekni mi kdo je víc
I am proud daddy, tell me who is more
i kdybych vyhrál všechno nic mi nenahradí
Even if I won everything, nothing will replace me
ten pocit když tě držim v náručí je nejlepší,
That feeling, when I hold you in my arms is the best
když jedu mimo domov život je pak prázdnější,
When I leave the house, life is then more empty
kdykoli musim pryč protože máme show,
Whenever I have to go, because I have a show
když se cejtim zle držíš mě nad vodou,
When I feel bad, you hold me over the water
když jsem na cestách nemůžu bejt home,
When I'm on the go, I can not be home
tak se vracim domu jen se skvělou náladou
So I return home with a great mood
no a, až to jednou uslyšíš,
Once you hear it
budeš mít vzpomínku, která ti nezmizí
You will have a memory, which will not disappear
že pro tátu jsi na světě nejhezčí
That for your dad you are the best in the world
že pro tebe chci v životě jen to nejlepší a...
That I want only the best for you...

All my life Ive waited for a chance to change
All my life I've waited for a chance to change
Before I saw your smile i was so far gone
Before I saw your smile I was so far gone
and now youre all that i can see
And now you're all that I can see
And now that you have saved me i would like to say
And now that you have saved me I would like to say
the road were heading down it wont be so long
The road were heading down it won't be so long

As long as youre with me
As long as you're with me

Těšim se až poprvý uslyšim táto,
I look forward to I will hear dad for the first time
až se rozběhneš obejmeš mě s láskou,
When you run off, you embrace me with love
když vidim co čas dělá s tvojí krásou,
When I see, what time do with your beauty
řikám si že ty si byla mojí spásou,
I say to myself, that you were my salvation
až budu jednou vedle tebe sedět,
When I will be stay next to you once
držet tě za ruku a do očí ti hledět,
Hold your hand and look into your eyes
budeme spolu poslouchat tenhleten track a vědět,
We will listen to this track and know
že si pro mě to nejlepší to na celym světě,
That you are the best on the all world for me
budu tě chránit vždy budu při tobě stát,
I will protect you, I will always stand for you
budu tě podporovat ve všem co si budeš přát,
I will support you in everything you wish
budu ti dávat maximum budu si s tebou hrát,
I will give you maximum, I will play with you
všechno jde stranou když jde o tebe jsi jenom má,
Everything goes aside, when it comes to you, you are just my
jsi jenom táty není chlapa kterej si tě bude víc vážit,
You are just dad, there is no man who will appreciate you more
za kterym se můžeš kdykoliv honem vrátit,
For which you can return at any time
co tě nezklame nebo tě bude někdy trápit,
What will not disappoint you or will sometimes bother you
no a, až to jednou uslyšíš,
Once you hear it
budeš mít vzpomínku, která ti nezmizí,
You will have a memory, which will not disappear

že pro tátu jsi na světě nejhezčí
That for your dad you are the best in the world
že pro tebe chci v životě jen to nejlepší a...
That I want only the best for you...

All my life Ive waited for a chance to change
All my life I've waited for a chance to change
Before I saw your smile i was so far gone
Before I saw your smile I was so far gone
and now youre all that i can see
And now you're all that I can see
And now that you have saved me i would like to say
And now that you have saved me I would like to say
the road were heading down it wont be so long
The road were heading down it won't be so long
As long as youre with me
As long as you're with me
All my life Ive waited for a chance to change
All my life I've waited for a chance to change
Before I saw your smile i was so far gone
Before I saw your smile I was so far gone
and now youre all that i can see
And now you're all that I can see
And now that you have saved me i would like to say
And now that you have saved me I would like to say
the road were heading down it wont be so long
The road were heading down it won't be so long
As long as youre with me.
As long as you're with me