Mestica Selamat Pengantin Baru english translation

Mestica Selamat Pengantin Baru song lyrics
Mestica Selamat Pengantin Baru translation
Bila dua hati dah terjalin
When two hearts have been wiped out
Selamatlah pengantin kami doakan
Congrats our bride for you
Moga redha Allah bersinar selalu
Be redha ALLAH always shines
Tanda bermula bahtera hidup
Signs start the ark alive

Dalam melayari bahtera rumahtangga
In browsing the ark of the house
Ada masa tenang dan masa gelisah
There is a calm and anxious time
Jangan nafsu diikut melulu
Do not lust aside
Sabar dan kemaafan itu perlu
Patience and forgiveness is necessary

Beginilah resam manusia
This is how human is
Tak lari dari ketentuan Ilahi
Do not run away from the divine provision
Suami ketua isteri pembantu
Husband's wife's head
Melangkah hidup saling berpadu
Going to life together
Susah dan senang hadapi bersama
It's hard and easy to deal with
Moga kekal ke anak cucu
You will stay in your grandchildren

Moga kekal hingga ke syurga
You will stay up to heaven